Memorial Day

Jefferson “Zuma Jay” Wagner, along with his partner Candace Brown and friends, joined in on Malibu’s 1st Annual Taps Across America event, which is a national event held every year on Memorial Day. Photo by Julie Ellerton/TMT.

Jefferson “Zuma Jay” Wagner, along with his partner Candace Brown and friends, joined in on Malibu’s 1st Annual Taps Across America event, which is a national event held every year on Memorial Day.

Wagner stated that he felt it was important to begin this now two-year national moment, “A National Moment of Remembrance,” here in Malibu. The event started at 3 p.m.

Americans across the nation joined together for Taps Across America, which is a one-of-a-kind Memorial Day tribute. The event honors the fallen by playing Taps at 3 p.m., the National Moment of Remembrance. 

The goal of the movement is that one day the true meaning of Memorial Day will be honored that no matter where you are at 3 p.m. local time, you will hear Taps played.

Currently, no reporting is set up to know precisely how many played Taps this year or how many heard it; however, according to social media and other media outlets, Taps Across America has been widely embraced in all 50 states. And thanks to Wagner, Brown, and friends, it is a start of a tradition to remember in Malibu. Photos by Julie Ellerton/TMT

Taps Across America Jefferson Wagner Julie Ellerton TMT
Jefferson “Zuma Jay” Wagner, along with his partner Candace Brown and friends, joined in on Malibu’s 1st Annual Taps Across America event, which is a national event held every year on Memorial Day. Photo by Julie Ellerton/TMT.