Parents and kids were able to enjoy snow cones and pledged money by swimming laps during the fundraiser
Story and photos by Benjamin Hanson.
The Malibu Marlins swim team hosted a fundraiser for Malibu residents at Malibu High School’s Community Pool on Sunday, Nov. 17.
Swimmers and kids swam laps, and attendees could pledge to donate an amount per lap each child swam or a set amount.
Participants got free snacks, coffee, and snow cones. Raffle tickets were $5 and prizes included bluetooth speakers, swag from Aviator Nation, and gift cards.

Marlins Coach Erik Ran said the team is still new and held the event to get all hands on deck.
“We wanted to raise some money, so we had some funds in the bank,” Ran said. “So if something like a fire or something happens again, we can pay the coaches and do the swim meets and stuff like that.”
Ran said he hopes the children enjoy the day and what they’re getting out of it.
“Hopefully they understand that they’re making a difference in getting this team up and running and they’re part of making the team successful, and they’re excited about competing,” Ran said.
“We got some little kids over there that are 5, 6, 7 years old and they know that every lap they swim, they make money for the team,” Ran said. “Some of the kids ask in the beginning, ‘Do I get the money?’”
Ran said he was appreciative of parents for volunteering and putting the event together, from making the forms, findingsponsors, and even the canopies used.
“The parents who were all volunteering, they put these forms together that you see,” Ran said. “The parents are doing all of this. So we’re just here. They’re all getting this thing together.”
Jessie Sutton’s 6-year-old son participated in the fundraiser by swimming laps.
“We want to come out and support the team,” Sutton said. “My son loves swimming, and we want to see the program do well and continue to thrive here.”
Lonnie Vidaurri, who brought his dog Nanuk, said he enjoyed watching his daughter have a great experience. Vidaurri attended to support the swim team.
Ran shared future events the Malibu Marlins hope to hold.
“We’re hoping to have a home meet pretty soon in December,” Ran said. “We do have a couple more swim meets coming up with the team. And then we’re going to work on doing some other things with the city.
“The city did their little Junior Olympic event or their little Todd Olympics or whatever they call it. We’re part of that. So we continue doing stuff like that. But in the immediate future we have mostly swim meets coming up and then hopefully a home meet, which would be great.”
Ran said swimming and sports is about teamwork and learning about what they can do for their teammates.
“They’re learning that they can do something for others and other teams, which I think is a good team experience and a nice way for them to bond in the water with their colleagues and their little friends,” Ran said. “That’s what swimming is all about. That’s what sports is all about.”