Malibu City Hall set to re-open as COVID-19 conditions improve 


On Friday, Feb. 18, the City of Malibu announced that with county and statewide COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths steadily falling to levels even lower than before the winter surge, the City of Malibu will open City Hall on a limited basis to the public on Tuesday, Feb. 22, at 7:30 a.m.

“During the pandemic, any return to normalcy is greatly welcome, so I am very pleased that we can re-open City Hall to the public, especially since it means that fewer people are getting sick from this terrible disease,” said Mayor Paul Grisanti. “City Hall is more than just a building; it is an important community gathering place, where community members conduct business, and ask questions from and share ideas and concerns with City leaders and staff who serve the community. We look forward to seeing you in City Hall.”

Regular City Hall hours are Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Fridays, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Members of the public may come to City Hall without an appointment during public counter hours (listed below). However, an appointment will be needed for in-person assistance during any other hours. Visitors will be asked to remain outside the building until they can be helped by staff. Appointments can be made online at

The California Department of Public Health and the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (CalOSHA) have provided workplace rules for employers statewide, which apply to Malibu City Hall. The City Manager in consultation with department heads and the Public Safety Manager, agreed that it is safe enough for staff and the public to re-open City Hall.

With hospitalizations under 2,500 for seven consecutive days, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LADPH) issued a modified LA County Health Officer Order on Feb. 16, recommending, but no longer requiring, masking at outdoor mega-events and outdoor spaces at K-12 schools and childcare centers. 

Public Counter Hours

  • Planning: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m., walk-in. All other times by appointment.
  • Permit Services: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m., walk-in and appointment. Other times by appointment only.
  • Building Plan Check: Tuesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m., walk-in and appointment. Other times by appointment only.
  • Environmental Health: Tuesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m., walk-in and appointment. Other times by appointment only.
  • Geology / Coastal Engineering: Tuesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m., walk-in and appointment. Other times by appointment only.
  • Public Works: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m., walk-ins. Other times by appointment only.


To make virtual appointments with City staff and Departments, please contact:

  • Environmental Sustainability Department (including Building Safety, Environmental Health, Geology and Coastal Engineering): Call (310)456-2489, ext. 390 or email
  • Planning Department: Call (310)456-2489, ext. 485 or email
  • Public Works Department: Call (310)456-2489, ext. 391 or email
  • All other City business: Call (310)456-2489, ext. 392 or email

Public meetings will continue to be virtual until further notice, while plans, budgets, and logistics are being examined for how and when to resume in-person public meetings or some hybrid form of virtual/in-person public meetings. The City Council will discuss whether to resume in-person public meetings during the Feb. 28, Council meeting. The agenda and staff report are posted at Any decision will prioritize public safety and public accessibility and participation.

Facemasks continue to be required inside City Hall, as well as any other indoor City facility or facility being used by the City, regardless of vaccination status.