List of proposed safety projects


Public Works Commission and Public Safety Commission joint meeting on Feb. 23

During the Public Works Commission and Public Safety Commission joint meeting on Feb. 23, Public Works Director Rob DuBoux provided an update on the Los Angeles County Measure R and M Transportation Funding Project and presented a list of 23 safety proposal projects. DuBoux did emphasize that he will not be able to complete all 23 projects but the first five projects.

“My goal is to try to actively get moving on the first five projects,” DuBoux said. “And then from there go to the next one to get those projects done.”

DuBoux stated the list is not set in stone but has put projects and items together based on the communities and councils’ recommendations and suggestions.

“What I have done for the last couple of weeks is take in everyone’s comments based on my previous reports on Measure R and Measure M and developed a list of priority projects based on everyone’s input, and I developed a priority list of safety projects,” DuBoux said. “The priority list will help me identify projects and move forward and get those projects approved by metro.” 

DuBoux hopes to identify projects transportation funds and provide a recommendation to the City Council.

“My goal for this safety priority project is to make this more of a fluent list that both commissions can get together or separately and really talk about changing their priorities and bring it back to the commission every year and get input and let everyone know about the things that we’ve done and move that up the priority list,” DuBoux said. “This list is a good starting point as things go on, things will change and move around, and we will have the ability to change and modify those things.” 

  1. PCH Utility Undergrounding
  2. PCH at Las Flores and Rambla Intersection improvements
  3. PCH Improvements from City Limits to Cross Creek Road
  4. Malibu Canyon Road Traffic Study
  5. Pedestrian Signal at 22523 PCH
  6. PCH Signal Synchronization Project – Paradise Cove to Trancas Canyon Road
  7. Pedestrian Undercrossing at Malibu Seafood
  8. Right Turn Extension at PCH and Morning View Drive
  9. PCH and Paradise Cove Improvements
  10. Malibu Canyon Road Rock Netting
  11. PCH Improvements at HeatherCliff Road 
  12. PCH Median Improvements – Trancas Canyon Road to Broad Beach Road
  13. El Matador and El Pescador Beach PCH Improvements 
  14. PCH Improvements at Escondido Beach Road
  15. PCH Median Improvements at Pena Road
  16. PCH Improvements at La Piedra Beach Road
  17. PCH Improvements – Kansan Dume Road to Latigo Canyon Road
  18. PCH and Malibu Road West Emergency Access 
  19. Right Turn Lane Extension at PCH and Webb Way
  20. PCH Improvements at Cross Creek Road
  21. PCH Median Improvements – Serra Road to Malibu Pier
  22. PCH Improvements at Latigo Canyon Road
  23. PCH Improvements at Bonsall Drive 

To see the description of each project, watch the Public Works Commission and Public Safety Commission joint meeting on the City of Malibu YouTube channel.