Letter to the Editor: Malibu for Safe Tech.org

Letter to the Editor: The Malibu Times

Dear Editor, 

Many residents of Malibu are concerned about the small cell wireless antennas being deployed in our community. These powerful antennas, part of the next generation of wireless technology (5G), are being placed in close proximity to our homes, schools, and other places where we engage in the activities of our daily lives, even though there is no science that assures their safety. Who hasn’t seen the orange and white 85-foot pole in the civic center? This will be an undeniable risk for all in that area, and many cell sites could be placed on this tower.

The FCC’s human exposure guidelines for the emf and radio frequency microwave radiation used for this technology are decades out of date, and the agency has dismissed the results of decades-long research on microwave radiation and human health completed last

year by the National Toxicology Program that showed “clear evidence of carcinogenicity.” We recently won the case against the FCC, so they must show that there

is no harm from these emissions. 

Because the health and safety of our families is at stake, we have formed a group MalibuForSafeTech.org, to address these problems; fire safety, property values, pole fall zones, and setbacks, as well as health and aesthetics.

Children are especially vulnerable to emf (electromagnetic) and RF (the newer radio frequencies), so any new school buildings being proposed should be required to use fiber to the premises, called “Ethernet” or “hard wired” to connect to the internet, which is more reliable, fast, and much safer. At the beginning of the Covid shutdown, 2 5G sites were installed at both the entrance to the high school and the lower parking lot. According to our meter readings, they are high in RF emissions.

We have been working with the city for over 2 1/2 years now to upgrade the two telecom Ordinances. Interested individuals concerned about their health, privacy, security, and home values can learn more by visiting malibuforsafetech.org. Another valuable resource is ehtrust.org (Environmental Health Trust). We want everyone to be safe while using these devices, which emit invisible toxins which you can’t see or smell. We all use tech and are exposed to it daily. We are not against technology. We just want SAFE tech.

Ms. Lonnie Gordon, Exec. Director
