Letter to the Editor: In Support of the Malibu Farmer’s Market


Dear Editor, 

I am writing in support of the Malibu Farmer’s Market.

I have known Deborah Bianco, who runs the Farmer’s Market, for ten years. She has worked very hard to find the finest produce and quality artisans. The Market was thriving until the pandemic. She took every precaution to make sure every vendor had hand washing stations, every booth had yellow caution tape to keep customers away from touching the produce, and every booth followed social distancing, and vendors wore masks, taking every precaution to make sure everyone was safe, respecting everyone’s well being.

She has done an excellent job building the market back up until last Monday, when she returned to her space to find the school had just moved right in with no forewarning, moved their fencing in, and blocked the exit, destroying her many years of supplying Malibu with the finest produce, fresh seafood, grass-fed beef, fresh organic juices, a lobster truck, live music, and so much more to enrich the community.

So, she arrived two Sundays ago, unable to set up her market. She knew there was an event scheduled with the police to encourage support and conversation. So she set up across the street, under extreme duress, and still made it successful, even though several vendors left because of the confusion.

You knew the school was moving in, and no one notified her, and still have not found another space for a much-needed Market. I find it completely disrespectful as she has served the Malibu community for many years. She has even lived in Malibu for many years and has always been respectful of your guidelines. She loved the Legacy Park across the street as it is a much more beautiful spot, instead of the parking lot that is now in shambles.

Please help her relocate to a place that reflects the beauty of Malibu and recognize the fact that she has worked hard and earned her place in the community.

Marilyn Cosentino, Malibu

Retired school teacher and small business owner