Letter to the Editor: Continued Urgent Call for PCH Safety


Dear Editor,

I am writing once again to express my concern for the safety of our community, and to implore The Malibu Times to continue its commendable efforts in fostering vital conversations on this critical issue. On Nov. 9, I penned my first letter to the editor, addressing the recent tragedies that have left an indelible mark on our community. The loss of the four Pepperdine students, whose memory we must honor, is an agonizing reminder of the urgency with which we need to advocate for change. Their lives were cut short, leaving a void that can never be filled, but their memories implore us to take concrete steps towards a safer future.

I am writing once again to emphasize that the discussions and awareness must persist. It is disheartening to observe that as time passes, the pain of losing these four young women seems to fade, and the outrage of the community diminishes. However, we cannot allow ourselves to become complacent or forget the need for change.

As a community, we are duty-bound to devise solutions that will protect our families and children. We must remain vigilant and persistent in our efforts. We cannot afford to stop fighting for change. Let us honor the memories of all those we have lost by becoming the driving force for change. The safety of our roads and the well-being of our community hinge upon our immediate action. We must not delay. I pledge to continue writing to raise awareness, and I hope that The Malibu Times will also keep this issue at the forefront of everyone’s minds.

Thank you for your dedication to our community and your commitment to fostering these essential conversations. Let us ensure that the legacy of these four young lives serves as a catalyst for positive change in Malibu.

Sherry Talon, Malibu