From the right: Gauging America’s reaction to Hamas terrorist attacks


By Don Schmitz 

Do videos proudly posted by Hamas of families executed screaming in their homes, women gang-raped then drug by their hair by laughing thugs while blood streams down their legs, a young woman burned alive, babies decapitated in their cribs, or terrified toddlers peering out in terror from cages like animals jar the radical left’s conscience? Apparently not. 

Demonstrations rage around the world as Israel fights back. In 1947, the U.N. adopted resolution 181, partitioning the British mandate into Jewish and Arab areas. Five Arab armies attacked in 1948 but were repulsed. Arab states attacked repeatedly in subsequent decades without success, with 800,000 Jews driven out of their homes in Arab countries, and 700,000 Arabs becoming refugees from what is now Israel. The Gaza Strip was conquered by Israel from Egypt in the Six-Day War in 1967, but Israel removed all settlements and withdrew its occupation in 2005. Egypt doesn’t want it back, nor do they want Palestinian refugees. After a civil war, Hamas took control of Gaza which it maintains by torturing and executing anyone who opposes them. Read Hamas’s charter:

“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” (Preamble) 

“The Islamic Resistance Movement is a distinguished Palestinian movement, whose allegiance is to Allah, and whose way of life is Islam. It strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine.” (Article 6) 

Hamas is committed to the complete destruction of Israel, pursuing a Jihad to “Liberate Palestine” from the Jordan river to the sea. When high school students in California, or on universities across America chant “From the river to the sea,” they are advocating for the annihilation of Israel and her people. Leftist groups celebrate the barbaric attack by Hamas. The Young Democratic Socialists of America chapter at the University of North Carolina called the attacks against civilians as “decolonial action in real-time,” they “stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in the pursuit of their liberation from colonization and apartheid.” 

A Black Lives Matter post in Chicago used a picture of a terrorist paraglider stating, “I stand with Palestine,” and in Arizona stated, “Palestinian freedom fighters aren’t terrorists.” The Party for Socialism and Liberation in Tacoma, Washington, posted “The actions of the resistance over the course of the last day is a morally and legally legitimate response to occupation.” Torturing babies is legitimate to them. Depraved. 

Mainstream Democrats are pushing back against the calls of radical leftists in their party, such as squad member Rashida Tlaib, who demands cutting all aid for our Israeli ally. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre stated, “We believe they are wrong, we believe they are repugnant and we believe they are disgraceful. There are not two sides here.” 

But Democrats now sympathize with Palestinians at 49 percent versus 38 percent for Israel, according to Gallup, while 78 percent of Republicans support Israel. Years of leftist indoctrination has taught our children to hate America, capitalism, and, yes, Israel. Half of millennials support Hamas. War is hell, and this one will take many innocent lives, but the Palestinians purposefully target schools and the innocent. What about peace? 

Hamas’s charter states, “[Peace]initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions andinternational conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement … There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad” (Article 13).

Polling in Gaza in 2021 showed 53 percent support for Hamas, with only 14 percent supporting the secular Fatah party. No peace, Palestinians want Israel destroyed, its people exterminated, yet American leftists support them. 

University of Wisconsin students flew Palestinian flags chanting “Glory to the murders!” and “We will liberate the land by any means necessary!” Protesters in Australia chanted “Gas the Jews!” Nazi and Hamas supporters have an American right to protest, but we must condemn them as reprehensible. There is no difference between the genocidal Nazis and Hamas, or ISIS or al-Qaida, except Hamas is on Israel’s border. Bolstered by the billions of dollars released to them by the Biden administration, Iran funds and arms Hamas and the 100,000 strong army of Hezbollah for their proxy war, all three chanting in the streets “Death to Israel” and “Death to America!” When Japan and Germany attacked America, we utterly destroyed them, stationing troops in both countries until they changed their fascist, racist ways. Israel must destroy Hamas, never to return. If Mexico became a fascist regime, and their army surged into our border towns raping, immolating people, and decapitating babies, there would be hell to pay, though, I suspect American leftists would support them speaking of “historical wrongs.” Thousands are demonstrating here in America supporting Hamas and their butchery, chanting “Allahu Akbar!” Jews are afraid — they’ve seen this before. I stand with my Jewish brothers, and with Democratic Israel. More poignant than ever, NEVER AGAIN.

Don Schmitz is an independent columnist for Atascadero News / Paso Robles Press, he alongside Lance Simmens write a bi-weekly column on national topics from the perspective of their political leanings. You can forward any comments you have to