From the other Publisher Emeritus

Letter to the Editor: The Malibu Times

BY Karen Portugal York

 “A pile of rocks ceases to be a rock pile when somebody contemplates it with the idea of a cathedral in mind.” —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

As Arnold and I depart Malibu for Sacramento to begin our retirement, it is no surprise that I have very mixed feelings. Malibu is where we raised our children, cultivated precious friendships, ran our businesses, contributed where we could to build community, and where we have enjoyed the beauty, cultural and recreational opportunities offered by our proximity to the sea, the mountains, and to Los Angeles, one of America’s greatest cities. 

My parting wish for our city is that Malibu citizens and leadership are able to develop, achieve and maintain a vision for its future that incorporates positivity, protects its residents and natural resources, and encourages community building, civility, mutual respect, cooperation, and kindness. 

To these ends, for a start, I invite our citizens and leaders to contemplate: 

  • A Community / Cultural Arts Center
  • A Community Sports Center and Pool 
  • A world Class Pre-K thru High School Education for our children
  • Senior Housing, Affordable Housing, Rent Control 
  • Aggressive, practical, and compassionate management of our homeless population
  • A real city-wide beautification program
  • Aggressive, practical, and compassionate management of our homeless population
  • Solar or other alternative energy sources to create energy independence
  • The “Under-grounding” of our utilities 
  • A disaster/evacuation warning system that is NOT dependent upon utility generated electricity
  • A city-wide program of safe, walkable sidewalks 
  • Attention to PCH auto racing, “main street” traffic, and pedestrian safety 
  • A user-friendly and efficient city building, permitting, and planning process 

Ambitious? Audacious? Impossible. I don’t believe it, and I hope you don’t either. 

With great respect for what has been achieved and great hopes for what remains to be done, I bid you farewell and send you all my very best wishes for a happy and HEALTHY New Year!