Driving Change: Could this be the beginning?  

Michel Shane.

By Michel Shane

What a monumental week it has been! As I sat down to write, I knew I had to bottle the raw excitement and significance of the past few days, avoiding the trap of repetition. By Friday, my focus was crystal clear: I would touch on several subjects, but one overshadowed the rest — the historic passage of SB 1297. This wasn’t just any bill; it was a battle cry, a testament to the power of persistence and community mobilization. It was the sound of our collective voices finally being heard.

This bill is a massive leap forward, a giant crack in the armor of indifference. Including Malibu in its scope was no small feat; the initial version only allowed camera testing in five cities, not a single highway in sight. Adding Malibu was an uphill battle, and I’m humbled to have played a small part in it. But the dogged lobbying, perseverance, and unwavering community support truly made this possible. We, as a community, owe a debt of gratitude to Senator Ben Allen and Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin, who spent 10 long months championing this bill. Their dedication to our district is inspiring, and their partnership has been a game-changer. They’re living proof of what happens when our representatives share our passion for change and roll up their sleeves to get things done. They’re the embodiment of the power of people-centered leadership. After 14 agonizing years of advocacy, this is the first tangible step towards saving lives. Knowing our community is finally safer, we’ll sleep easier once these cameras go up. Now, it’s on our leaders to make this a priority and get the cameras installed within months. We can’t afford to let this hard-won momentum falter. We must keep our foot on the gas, packing council meetings and making our voices ring out to ensure this doesn’t get mired in red tape. We need to be the constant drumbeat for action.

In a beautiful display of respect, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the bill in Malibu on the 25th, honoring the memories of those lost on PCH. I had suggested this in an open letter and knew I wasn’t a lone voice in the wilderness. The lack of fanfare was a touching choice, sidestepping the media circus in favor of a poignant moment of reflection. Thank you, Governor, for making this possible and handing us the tools to fix a glaring problem that’s haunted us for far too long. His quiet dedication to our cause speaks volumes about the kind of leader he is — one who puts people above politics and understands that progress is often made without seeking the spotlight. We are deeply grateful for your commitment and the difference you are making in our community.

We stand at a crossroads, with the wind at our backs and a unique chance to transform our community. The key is seizing this moment, not letting it slip through our fingers like sand. Speed cameras are coming, with a proven track record of slowing traffic. Caltrans will unveil its redesign in October, and our City Council is primed for change. We’ve got candidates who prioritize road safety and the funds to make it a reality. Imagine a Malibu where PCH is no longer a death trap but a shining model of 21st-century safety. The Office of Traffic Safety’s grant can fuel education, making us a beacon and illuminating the path for others to follow. Let’s take pride in our potential and lead the way in community security. We can be the town that proves it’s possible to tame a notorious highway and build a safer future, brick by brick. We can be the blueprint for communities nationwide. The future is bright, and we have the power to shape it.

This sense of possibility was electric at the Lost Hills/Malibu Sheriff station last Friday. Capt. Jennifer Seeto is a force of nature, and we’re beyond fortunate to have her in our corner. Her forward thinking and the Sheriff’s Department’s rock-solid efforts have brought us to this breakthrough moment. I can’t sing her praises enough. With her finger on the pulse of technology, her unwavering commitment to awareness, and her knack for rallying the troops, the sky’s the limit. This week, shoulder to shoulder with our community leaders, we saw the unveiling of Capt. Seetoo’s latest brainchild.

This real-time monitoring center, a testament to our collective efforts, will prepare us for any disaster that comes our way. This was her vision, fueled by community support, and I can barely contain my excitement for what’s next. We must roll up our sleeves and partner with law enforcement to drive change. The government can move glacially, but we can be the catalyst for real progress with our pressure and resources. Let’s take advantage of our unique position and work together towards a stronger, more caring Malibu. We have the chance to redefine what it means to call Malibu home, replacing a reputation for tragedy with one for innovation and safety. We can write a new chapter in our town’s history. Your contributions are the lifeblood that makes this possible.

As you finish reading, I want you to feel pride in what we’ve achieved, a spark of excitement for the future, and a renewed sense of purpose. This is just the beginning, the opening chapter in a new story. With our continued dedication, we, as a community, can accomplish everything. Let’s honor the past by building a safer tomorrow together. Let’s make Malibu a place where every resident and visitor can thrive, knowing we’ve got their back. The best is yet to come if we seize this moment if we keep pushing forward as one. Our work is not done, but we can continue to make a difference with our collective efforts. We can create a legacy of safety, resilience, and community spirit that will endure for generations.