Discussion on Next Week’s City Council | May 13



  1. Presentation of City Tile to Susan Dueñas for Seven Years of Service to the City of Malibu.

New Items: 

  1. Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Integrated Performance Consultants, Inc.
  2. Professional Services Agreement with Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP
  3. Initiative 21-0042A1 Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act (OPPOSE)
  4. Investment Report for the Month Ending March 31, 2024
  5. Professional Services Agreement with Governmental Financial Services
  6. Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with SDI Presence

Ordinances and Public Hearings:

  1. Appeal No. 23-004 – Appeal of Planning Commission Resolution No. 23-24 (22959 Pacific Coast Highway; Appellant: Malibu Township Council; Applicant: Burdge and Associates Architects, Inc.; Property Owner: Surfrider Plaza, LLC) (Continued from the March 25, 2024 meeting)
  2. Amendments to Chapter 12.02 (Wireless Facilities in Public Right-of-Way) and Chapter 17.46 (Wireless Telecommunications Antennas and Facilities) of the Malibu Municipal Code, and Sections 2.2 and 3.16, Chapter 13 and Appendix 1 (Table B Permitted Uses) of the Local Coastal Program Local Implementation Plan to modify regulations, procedures, and application requirements for the installation of wireless communications facilities

Old Business:

  1. Zuma Foundation Inc. Road Race Agreement.

New Business: 

  1. Malibu Arts Association Art Show Event Series Fee Waiver

Council Items: 

  1. None.

To view the full City Council Agenda, visit malibucity.org/virtualmeetings.