City Manager update: Fireworks are prohibited in Malibu for Independence Day


In preparation for the busy July 4 holiday, Malibu is coordinating with partner agencies and putting out public messaging to help keep Pacific Coast Highway, (PCH), canyon roads, beaches and trails safe and clean for all to enjoy and to prevent the use of illegal fireworks. The City’s messages on social media include: 

  • “Fireworks are prohibited in Malibu
  • Don’t drink and drive – designate sober drivers and use rideshares or taxis. 
  • Keep your eyes on the road – don’t text and drive. 
  • Slow down and watch for pedestrians and cyclists on PCH and cars pulling in and out of beach parking. 
  • Pack it in, pack it out – dispose of your trash in trash containers, and if you see litter, please pick it up and throw it away in a trash container. 
  • Alcohol, dogs and fires are prohibited on beaches in Malibu.”

As of June 22, the LA County Fire Department (LACOFD) reports that no professional fireworks display permits have been issued for July 4 
The Fire Department reminds the public that fireworks are illegal in the County except for professionally operated, permitted displays. Illegal fireworks are extremely dangerous and can cause serious injuries, burns and wildfires. The possession or use of illegal fireworks in Los Angeles County can result in fines up to $1,000 and up to a year in prison. 

The LACOFD provides a list of public fireworks displays in the County on its website.

The City coordinates annually with the LA County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), LA County Department of Beaches and Harbors, California State Parks, Mountains and Recreation & Conservation Authority (MRCA), and CHP to prepare for summer crowds. The City funds the LASD Beach Team from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The Beach Team is an important way to address alcohol consumption on the beaches, which is illegal and contributes to drunk driving on PCH and canyon roads, and they address traffic safety issues around the beaches. State Parks, Beaches and Harbors and MRCA increase maintenance and trash pickup during the summer. Every summer, the City requests additional patrols by LASD and the Sheriff’s Volunteers on Patrol (VOPs). The VOPs are crucial for parking enforcement to ensure beach access and keep the roadways safe, they monitor and report crime and emergencies, and they help direct traffic and ensure safety at accident sites. Residents can report street racing to the CHP by calling 323-259-3200. Report suspected intoxicated drivers by calling 9-1-1.