Artwork by Malibu students, featuring sponsoring Malibu businesses, adorn calendar that highlights school events
Every year, the Shark Fund, a parent-led organization that raises funds for Malibu’s public school students, creates a stunning calendar that showcases students’ creative artworks and celebrates Malibu High School and Malibu Middle schools’ arts and athletic events, all while helping school families and calendar owners stay organized.
“This year’s calendar features beautiful student artwork curated by the talented Carla Bowman-Smith, MHS’s visual and performing arts department chair and visual arts teacher,” said Karin Mihkels, a parent who is spearheading the calendar project. “The calendar marks important dates for school events that are open to the entire Malibu community and covers from September 2024 through August 2025.”
The calendar is free for parents at the school and community members that sponsor businesses while supplies last, she added.
As school commences, the PTSA seeks community support for our public schools
The calendar is made possible by the generosity of local businesses. With a $500 tax-deductible donation, sponsors receive prime placement of their logo and link in the Parent Teacher Student Association’s newsletter and on the Shark Fund website, thesharkfundmalibu.org. A few sponsorship spots are still available and interested businesses can contact Karin at info@thesharkfundmalibu.org.
“This calendar is a joint effort by the Shark Fund, PTA, Athletic Booster Club and Arts Angels to foster community pride and celebrate our incredible students — it’s a showcase of our students’ talents and a celebration of our schools’ arts and athletic events,” Mihkels said. “From the thrilling homecoming game on Oct. 18 to the captivating high school play on Nov. 21, The Middle School Musical and enchanting orchestra, band, and choir performances — it’s all there!”
For distribution locations when the calendar is debuted, contact the email address shown above.