To start off the last Malibu City Council meeting of 2022, residents shared their appreciation for outgoing council members Mikke Pierson and Karen Farrer. Mayor Pro Tem Bruce Silverstein was elected as mayor of Malibu and Steve Uhring as mayor pro tem.
To start off public comment, Malibu Arts Commission Chair Lotte Cherin spoke and asked how the Malibu Arts Center process is going.
“This has been a pending item for years and we have tried every way to get this moving, with all our research the residents really want to see this happen,” Cherin said. “We really need the City Council to be active on this issue, can you please let us know what is your next move, what action will you take so we can finally get the Arts Center process moving?”
Residents also expressed their concerns with the MRCA proposal. Silverstein said he hopes to have a closed session meeting discussing the issue.
For council updates and reports, Silverstein said he attended a meeting in hopes of bringing back the California Highway Patrol to Malibu. Pierson echoed his comment and said he hopes to see that happen.
Environmental Sustainability Director Yolanda Bundy presented the first reading for the 2022 California Building Standards Code and the first reading for ordinance No. 506.
California Building Standard Code (CBSC) consists of multiple volumes pertaining to a buildings structural, energy, green, (sustainable) building code, plumbing, electrical, and mechanical systems. These codes are organized into the 12 parts of Title 24.
Title 24 happens every three years and the 2022 edition becomes effective statewide on Jan. 1, 2023.
For consistency with other cities in the Los Angeles Basin, Malibu has joined efforts with other local building departments to examine previous and proposed amendments. The goal of this is to minimize differences in language and interpretation, thereby unifying and streamlining the permitting and construction process.
If ordinance No. 506 is approved, it will amend Chapter 15.36 to conform with the statewide required timeline for the EV charging station permitting process. The second reading and adoption is scheduled for the City Council meeting on Jan, 9. 2023.
Council adopted Ordinance No. 503U the California Building Standards Code and ordinance No. 506, to update the permitting process for electric vehicle charging stations.
Council motioned to approve resolution No. 22-25, re-authorizing remote teleconferencing/virtual meetings pursuant to AB 361.
Residents asked about returning to in-person meetings and City Manager Steve McClary said they will have a full analysis of returning to in-person at the Jan. 9 meeting.
Council moved on to presentations to outgoing and incoming council members. Westlake Village Councilmember Kelly Honig submitted a video thanking Pierson and Farrer for their service on the council.

“I wish you so much free time and fun time to spend with your families and your friends and I thank you for all of your service to your city and all the services the COG [The Las Virgenes-Malibu Council of Government Board] which was huge, especially to you Karen this past year,” Honig said. “I just think you will be such a loss to Malibu, I really believe that, but I understand. I wish you peace [and] happiness.”
Farrer has served as the president of The Las Virgenes-Malibu Council of Government Board since March 2022.
LVMCOG Executive Director Terry Dipple thanked Farrer for her service and leadership on the COG.
“We had a couple of issues that you dealt with in a very professional manner and I was just very impressed all around,” Dipple said. “Thanks for your service in Malibu and thanks for your service on the council of governance.”
Speaker Malibu Arts Commissioner Barry Haldeman spoke thanking Pierson and Farrer for their service.
“I really appreciate the dedication of Mikke and Karen and what they’ve done,” Haldeman said. “And Paul, you’re going out as mayor today and I appreciate — you just got it right. You finally learned how to do it all, it’s very well done and we will miss you as mayor.”
Speaker Howard Rudski wished farewell to the council members, welcomed the new members and thanked Grisanti for his service as Mayor.
“Malibu owes you both a huge depth of gratitude and I thank you for all you’ve done,” Rudski said. “Doug and Marriane, congratulations on being elected to the city council, you both have big shoes to fill and I’m sure you’re up for the task. Mayor Grisanti, you have represented Malibu with honor, dignity and humility in the last couple of years in the eyes of the world and for that, a well deserved thank you.”
Councilmember Farrer thanked the city staff, governance partners, volunteers, commissioners, her families and friends for their support.
“Too many to name and I just want to thank you all,” Farrer said. “It’s been a very memorable four years, and four years was just enough and it’s time to move on and I really wish Doug and Marriane the best of luck.”
Pierson echoed the names Farrer listed to thank and then some.
“For me tonight is really in my heart about 12 years, for me 12 years ago I became a public works commissioner and it was fascinating, I learned a lot about how the city works, and I had great mentors,” Pierson said. “That was my entry to City Hall, then it was on the planning commission for about seven years, and that was a fascinating lesson about how the city works and an incredible experience, and then on to the City Council for four years.”
Pierson thanked his family and friends and a team of citizens who he worked with and met throughout his term. Pierson recalled the first time he and Farrer met before joining the city council.
“It’s been an incredible journey Karen, and I would not want to do this journey any other way,” Pierson said. “We started a beautiful partnership, so thank you very much.”
Pierson named a few accomplishments, such as the fee waiver after the Woolsey Fire.
“It was such a traumatizing time for the city and I was glad to do everything I could do during the rebuild, I’ll never forget that,” Pierson said.
Pierson continued to share future items that he hopes the new council will look into.
“I’m just filled with gratitude, the City of Malibu means everything to me, I was born and raised here, I was adopted and raised here, I am the luckiest guy on the face of the earth,” Pierson said. “In my life it has been my honor of a lifetime to be elected and have an opportunity to try to make a positive change to the city of Malibu and I thank each and everyone of you.”
Grisanti adjourned the 16th City Council and reconvened the 17th City Council.
Doug Stewart and Marianne Riggins were sworn in as council members.

Uhring welcomed his new colleagues.
“Welcome Doug Stewart and Marianne Riggins, I’m looking forward to a very productive city council in the next couple of years,” he said. “Welcome to the meat grinder.”
The meeting ended with the election of Mayor and Mayor pro tem. Mayor Pro Tem Bruce Silverstein was elected as mayor and Steve Uhring as mayor pro tem.

“Thank you all very much for your vote and your confidence, I appreciate it,” Uhring said.
Riggins thanked Pierson and Farrer for their service and mentioned a few items she hopes to accomplish.
Stewart also thanked Pierson and Farrer for their service and thanked everyone for their support in the election.
The Malibu City Council meeting on Dec. 26 was canceled. The next Malibu City Council is on Jan. 9, 2023.