Books on crime, travel and more


Malibu resident and lawyer Natasha Roit has just written a book, “The Oregon Project” (Tapestry Press), based on her own experiences with California law. This mystery novel is about a district attorney who is involved with Chinese crime, and a complex real estate scam that duped innocent people out of millions of dollars. “The Oregon Project” will arrive in bookstores in September.

Roit graduated from Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. She is best known for representing the Browns versus O.J. Simpson in a battle for custody of the Simpson children.

Cheryl Bartlam DuBois will be signing her new novel, “West of The Equator in Search of Paradise,” on Sept. 17 at Diesel, A Bookstore. The novel is about a Chicago stock trader’s spiritual journey to the West Indies to search for paradise. Special guest Jeff Apple, producer of the films “In the Line of Fire” and “The Recruit,” will also be at the signing.

DuBois grew up in Richmond, Va. and moved to the West Indies after acquiring her U.S. Coast Guard captain’s license. She ran a charter business there for six years before returning to the United States.

Previous Malibu resident Alain Simon Tuggle has written a book called “Avoiding the Path to Teenage Suicide,” directed at teens and adults who have thought about or had to deal with teenage suicides. The book is comprised of drawings, poems, and advice he wrote after his own suicide attempts when he was a teen. The book includes the warning signs and ways to overcome feelings of hopelessness.

Tuggle has spent much of his life in Malibu. His book has been a best-seller at Diesel, A Bookstore since its release earlier this summer and he appeared Sunday for a book signing.