Letter: Rude Awakening

Letter to the Editor

On Wednesday, July 9, at 10 p.m., many of the residents of Carbon Canyon/Carbon Mesa (and probably a lot more people elsewhere) were rudely awakened by the fireworks show put on at a private event held at Nobu Malibu. This disturbance was highly disruptive and totally inappropriate to occur without notice on a weeknight at 10 p.m.

On the Fourth of July, the permitted fireworks commence at 9 p.m., not 10 p.m. 

Wednesday is a workday night and many of us have to get up early the next day. In addition, those of us who have pets or young children, many of who are very much afraid of fireworks, had no opportunity to take steps to protect them, like playing music to cover the sound, as we do on a holiday. Some of us had to deal with the effects of the display for several hours afterward to calm down our pets.

We do not understand how the event organizers for the function could have been granted a permit by the LAFD without any notification to neighbors who would be affected. It would appear that the Noise Ordinance in effect in the City was violated by the activity. We believe LAFD should re-think its policy regarding how it grants such permits in the future and that the City and the LAFD should coordinate and give notification to neighbors.

Cecilia Dan