The Face of Malibu by Johanna Spinks

Face of Malibu: John Paola

The Malibu Times is proud to present “The Face of Malibu,” a unique ongoing monthly series featuring a portrait sketch of a local person of interest, painted by portrait artist Johanna Spinks. Spinks’ aim is to paint people from all walks of life in a single live sitting at her Malibu studio, their unique life story told through her award-winning portrait eye. The Malibu Times encourages readers to nominate people who they feel are of special distinction. Tune in next month to see who is painted next in Malibu. 

Every town has its unique and special traditions that signal the arrival of Christmas. In Malibu, one of the first signs of the winter holidays is the hundreds of beautiful Christmas trees that seem to pop up from nowhere at the corner of Heathercliff Rd./Emily Shane Way and PCH. John Paola, one of Malibu’s most active volunteers, has organized and run the local tree lot for 12 years. Paola, along with dedicated Malibu High School students, spends weeks unloading trees from Oregon and selling close to 600 to the community. Many trees are donated to local charities. John explains that “the people don’t mind the prices because they know it’s for a good cause.” All proceeds from the sale of the trees are funneled into Malibu High’s sports programs. The president of the Kiwanis Club, Paola has also been a 20-year volunteer for Malibu’s Little League and soccer team, as well as heading the famed Chili Cook-Off. 

What do you like most about working in Malibu? 

The people. It’s very simple. 

What’s your favorite thing to do in Malibu? 

Baseball. I do it six months out of the year. And I do soccer, and in January we start preparations for the Chili Cook-Off. And then the tree lot! What’s good about that is watching the kids grow. 

What would you like to see changed in Malibu? 

The highway. Something done with the highway. Sometimes people won’t come out on the weekends because it’s so crazy. 

What gets your goat in Malibu? 

Nothing, really, and that’s the truth. When I come here I come to have a good time. I enjoy what I do. If I didn’t enjoy it I wouldn’t do it. The people are good, the kids are great. 

How do you see Malibu’s future? 

I see youth. I see the young people taking over because they have the new ideas. 

How was your experience having your portrait painted by Johanna? 

Fantastic! It was a new experience for me. It was very pleasant. 

If there is someone whom you feel embodies the spirit of life in Malibu, send nominations for Johanna to paint his or her portrait to knowles@ Johanna Spinks also teaches classes in portrait painting, and may be reached at or 310.384.7029.