Letter: Revisiting Safety

Letter to the Editor

It is very sad to hear of seven minors being injured on their golf cart on Point Dume as reported in Aug. 20 edition of The Malibu Times. I previously submitted the following letter, “Golf cart safety,” one year ago, when the golf cart issue came to light:

“I appreciate that the golf cart issues have come to a forefront as described in The Malibu Times  Aug. 14 publication in “Sheriffs put young golf cart drivers on notice.” I hope owners and drivers will follow the laws and cut down on a possible accident. 

I urge the parents of the Point Dume Marine Science School to slow down on Dume Drive in the morning and afternoon. 

I urge the police department to monitor the Point Dume area. I believe safety is a priority for most of us on the Point.”

Unfortunately, there has been little follow up by those in authority, and I am not sure who that is. I live on Dume Drive and walk on the point all the time. There are many golf carts drivers with no licenses and, in many cases, underaged, and too many of them. Let’s seek legality here.

In addition, there are too many cars going faster than the speed limit on Dume Drive. Last, refer to my letter and do more for the safety of our residents. Who will be in charge of this?

David Kramer