Each year, The Malibu Times recognizes local students for their dedication to their schools and the local community. The recipients are chosen by teachers, administrators and peers at their respective schools. The Malibu Times Citizenship Awards were established in 1987 to acknowledge students who show commitment to the community and demonstrate a concern for the rights and needs of others.
Click on each photo to learn more about our winners.

As a student at Our Lady of Malibu School, Ashlyn Kunerth volunteered much of her free time helping preschoolers in Malibu. Kunerth, an eighth grader, has only had “kind and loving” interactions with the younger students with whom she worked. Kunerth was described by a teacher as a “dedicated learner,” known for “immersing herself in knowledge and going above and beyond in all academic realms.” Her hard work in school has earned her the respect of both her classmates and teachers.

Lauren Reed, a Juan Cabrillo Elementary School student, spreads joy and kindness through her passion for music. Throughout the school year, she has actively participated in community events. Most recently, she spent time volunteering to ensure the success of Fiesta Malibu, Juan Cabrillo’s annual school fundraiser, and the Malibu Guitar Festival, a four-day local music festival. Reed has been described as a model citizen at school — she works hard, gives her best effort at all times, encourages others, and is friendly and outgoing with everyone at all times.

Scott Shoff is a model citizen at Juan Cabrillo Elementary School. He has been described by school officials as mature, wise and a friend to all. Shoff is known for treating everyone with respect and kindness at all times. He was recently awarded an Upstander Award by Juan Cabrillo for his compassion and kindness toward others. Shoff is a reliable volunteer who can always be counted on to help. In addition, he is also a dedicated student, always putting forth his best effort and encouraging others to do the same.

Tyler Frost, a Malibu resident and student at Viewpoint School, has been described as upbeat, funny, well-rounded and respectful. His love for volunteering and service is visible on both a local and global level; Frost raised money and traveled with Mending Kids International by participating in the LA Marathon, and he also volunteers with “Feed Your Friends.” Frost works with those who have special needs and is a member of Viewpoint’s community service honor society, CORE, which requires over 200 hours of service for induction as a junior. He made the headmaster’s list his freshman year and regularly participates in theatrical productions, in addition to many other clubs and projects Frost works on.

Webster Elementary School fifth-grader Isabella Blair is known for going above and beyond what is expected at school every day. She takes her learning very seriously and has an insatiable curiosity, always wanting to learn more. Blair can be seen around the Webster campus, being kind and compassionate to all, frequently making an extra effort to help others, including helping kindergarten buddies on the playground and fellow fifth-graders overcome fears during their yearly Yosemite trip.

Webster Elementary School student Mai-Anh Tarnay is known for trying her best at all times. Tarnay, along with her family, volunteers throughout the school and community. She is also an accomplished gymnast who has used her lunch time to work on gymnastics with students in her class and a year younger. Tarnay has been described as “genuinely happy to be talking with you” and she helps “with a smile and her full effort.”

Point Dume Marine Science School (PDMSS) Estelle Shah has set high standards for herself and others. Shah, who has served as president of PDMSS’ Student Council for the past year, is a leader at PDMSS, both inside and outside of the classroom. Each morning, Shah and her fellow officers have led the morning assembly, beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance, making school announcements and ending with the school cheer. Shah has worked with the Student Council during many activities, including the Kindergarten Roundup and monthly dress-up days. She has helped collect Box-tops for Education, and has sold See’s candies, baked goods, and more to raise money to support PDMSS’ composing program and to purchase equipment to send to Pat Cairn’s Botswana School Project — PDMSS’ sister school.