Seeing red about signals


Can you please spare a green arrow or two? Dating way back to the days when Malibu had but honorary mayors, and now, into the 21st century, the traffic signals at the intersections of Malibu Canyon Road and PCH, as well as Webb Way and PCH, always lacked green arrow lights. These are an important aid to inform drivers when it is safe to negotiate a left turn onto PCH while opposing traffic sees a red light. During this segment of the traffic cycle, the driver intending to execute a left turn sees only a solid green light, completely unaware that the opposing traffic has stopped.

As they say at the archery range, “Where’s the (green) arrow when we need one?” Unless one has driven through these intersections before, one would be unaware that the opposing traffic faces a red light during that portion of the traffic light cycle. So, these drivers naturally hesitate prior to making a left turn onto PCH (as they should), especially when they see opposing traffic across the street. Lacking a green arrow slows the traffic flow, which defeats the purpose of enabling one to safely make a left turn. Why not augment our traffic signals with green arrows and, if applicable, with posted signs stating “Left Turn Yield on Green.” Hopefully, our esteemed traffic czars can find a few green arrows in their quiver to deliver and point us in the right direction when we think left.

David and Denise Pepper.