The Los Angeles Department of Public Health on Friday afternoon issued a press release stating it has not found evidence suggesting an increased risk to public safety as it awaits test results taken from the man who died of an upper respiratory illness outside Guido’s restaurant Sunday. Carlos Ivan Rodas, 32, collapsed outside the restaurant Sunday evening at about 8:30 p.m. A significant amount of blood was present at the scene, and some concerns have been expressed within the community that Rodas may have carried an infectious disease. The press release added that it has not found any reason to close the restaurant for public health reasons, and Guido’s restaurant co-owner Vassil Pertchinkov also issued a statement. Read the full press release below:
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health isworking with the Los Angeles County Department of Coroner in reviewing the case of an employee of Guido’s Restaurant in Malibu, who died on March 18, 2012. Public Health has not found any problem that would increase the risk to the public’s health, nor has it found any public health reason to close the restaurant. The Department of Coroner is awaiting the results of microscopic tissue studies and biological laboratory cultures to aid in the determination of manner and cause of death. No further information is available for release at this time.
Guido’s co-owner, Vassil Pertchinkov, also issued a statement regarding the situation:
To Patrons, Friends and otherwise anyone concerned:
We here at Guidos are very saddened by the loss of our employee, Carlos Rodas. We want to let everyone know that the health department has been out to inspect our restaurant following this incident. We want you to know that we are committed to your health and safety. We have not been advised by any agency that we should shut our doors as a result of Carlos’ death. We remain open for business and we hope to see all of you in the restaurant soon.