Letter: Help wanted to fix Malibu curbs

Letter to the Editor

Dear residents of Malibu and the State of California, 

Pacific Coast Highway appears to have been completely abandoned by CalTrans. Our tax dollars provide money to the state to maintain our State Highways. Every curb in Malibu that is designated Red or Yellow has not been maintained for years. Every curb shows signs of faded paint and chipped concrete. In some areas there are piles of dirt in front of the curbs so you cannot even see the curbs. 

Because of the faded paint these areas are regularly being parked in front of causing a hazard to local businesses and homeowners who cannot access their properties or cannot safely exit driveways or parking lots. In addition, due to the faded paint, they are not being regularly ticketed. 

With summer upon us and the increased traffic, it is more important than ever to have this situation rectified. 

I have tried the City of Malibu, I have contacted CalTrans and the local sheriff ’s station and they all point fingers at one another. 

Please make your voice heard by signing the petition and calling the City of Malibu 310.456. CITY, and a call to CalTrans can’t hurt. 

It’s time so stand up for what is right and keep our city and its patrons safe! Please join in and help us get our voices heard. Make Malibu a safer place for everyone and our young drivers. 

If you see someone parked in a red or yellow zone, please call Lost Hills Sheriff ’s Station and report the car 310.456.6652. 

Please the petition now! 

To view the petition, visit www.ipetitions.com/petition/paint-our-curbs-in-malibu 

Rosie Rains