Letter: In Defense of Balloon Use

Letter to the Editor

This letter was sent prior to the Oct. 22 Malibu City Council meeting.

RE: Proposed Malibu City Ordinance No. 439 to prohibit the sale, distribution and use of balloons within the city and second reading and adoption of the ordinance during the Oct. 22, 2018, city council meeting.

On Monday, Oct. 22, the Malibu City Council will review an ordinance that could ban the sale, distribution and use of balloons within the city.

Adoption of this ordinance could negatively impact many of the local businesses that over the years have provided the colorful, festive balloons used to celebrate birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, the birth of a child and so many other special life moments.

While everyone agrees that protecting the environment and reducing litter is a priority, not only for Malibu but also for other towns across the country, banning the sale, use and distribution of balloons is not the answer.

The Balloon Council (TBC) believes in education over legislation. Teaching people what they should and shouldn’t do when using balloons, such as always weighting and never intentionally releasing balloons into the air, and disposing of them properly after your celebration, go a long way towards keeping balloons from becoming litter.

TBC is a nonprofit organization comprised of retailers, distributors and manufacturers dedicated to promoting the continued enjoyment of balloons and educating consumers and regulators about smart balloon practices that provide guidelines for the proper use, handling and disposal of balloons.

TBC has a “Meet Faraday: Smart Balloon Practices” national educational outreach campaign that we would love to share with the Malibu community. Our family-friendly tips and pledge card that encourages children to sign a pledge to follow smart balloon practices and not intentionally release balloons are available on our website at balloonsliftup.com

We urge you to oppose Ordinance 439 and speak up to protect the local business owners who sell balloons for their livelihood, and to make it clear that you want balloons to continue to be a part of your life celebrations, now and for years to come in Malibu.

Lorna O’Hara