Enriched by science


    Kudos to all our creative, talented, curious, darling, wonderful and clever scientists-to-be this year at the Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue. We had a marvelous academic year and summer program learning about the world around us at our after-school science enrichment programs for preschoolers and kindergartners. From solar energy, kitchen chemistry, turtles, butterflies and marine life to dinosaurs, fossils, magnets, sound, bubbles and edible science, we explored nature with all our senses and creative juices.

    Our Who’s Who of scientists-to-be this past year includes Lucas, Michael, Cody, Parker, Nicholas, Jordan, Will, Taylor, Chelsea, Taylor, Elijah, Charu, Coral, Julia, Kris, Danny, Sammy, Max, Rebecca, Alexandra, Jeremy, Alex, Allyson, Carmen, Carley, Harrison, Shannon, Jake and Casey.

    Raise your test tubes and, here’s to our future generation of Einsteins! You are great scholars; and it was a joy and an honor indeed to be with you and share your moments of discovery and glee, as well as to hear your “Oohs!” and “Aahs!” as we experienced the wonders of science and nature. And, we can’t wait until September, when we begin anew and welcome you and your friends, along with new smiling and curious faces, for yet another fun-filled year of more ooey, gooey, fizzy and sparkly science!

    P.S. Thanks, finally, to our wonderful local Malibu merchants and community service organizations for their continued support of my program, including Falcon Cable, Malibu Yogurt, Pet Headquarters, Malibu Lumber, Hughes Market, Sav-On, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Jack-in-the-Box, Pizza Hut, Ben and Jerry’s, La Salsa, the Malibu Library, Artifac Tree, Dume Plaza Pharmacy, HRL Laboratories (thank you, of course, to my dear husband and scientist, Dr. David M. Pepper) and, above all, a big thank you and hugs galore to the MJC&S staff and our outstanding director, De De Solis.

    Denise Danyelle Pepper