Beginning of Tunnel Construction Draws Near

Malibu Canyon tunnel

The County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works announced a tunnel construction project that is scheduled to begin in Malibu in June. 

The tunnel rehabilitation project will consist of installing steel plates along the inside of Kanan Dume Road and Malibu Canyon Road tunnels, repairing existing deteriorated steel plates and upgrading the lighting systems.

The project has seen a slight delay due to environmental issues, but will begin at the end of June or beginning of July, according to Construction Inspector Pirouz Bozorgnia.

Phase 1 is construction on the Kanan Dume Road tunnels, near Latigo Canyon. Work there will begin this month and take approximately seven months to complete. During construction, one barrel of the tunnel will be closed at a time so that the other side may remain open to traffic and also serve as a detour for the closed side.

Phase 2, construction on the Malibu Canyon Road tunnel, will begin at the completion of Phase 1 in January 2015. It will take approximately eight months to complete. During this time, the tunnel will be closed to through traffic during the hours of 9 p.m. – 5 a.m., Monday through Friday. Traffic will be detoured to Topanga Canyon Boulevard and Kanan Dume Road and traffic will remain open for emergency vehicles at all times.