Please read and releash


As an owner of three wonderful small rescue dogs, I am appalled by the lack of concern that certain dog owners exhibit by letting their animals run free in Malibu’s myriad of public places. These free running dogs can pose a safety threat to innocent and curious children who get too close to an uncontrollable dog. Not only is this a problem to children and adults, these dogs have also been seen to ignore their owners commands by running into congested parking lots as well as approaching other innocent dogs. Of course, the majority of dog owners leash their dogs; nevertheless, it just takes a few inconsiderate people to create a problem for all of us.

Unfortunately, one of my rescue dogs has been attacked twice in the past two months by unleashed dogs, whose owners stood their grounds like puffed-up pigeons, apparently without concern. On this particular occasion, my injured, bloodied dog required after-hours treatment at an animal hospital (the unleashed dog did not sustain any injury). Even though the culprit’s owner accepted complete responsibility for not having his dog leashed, he refused to put his money where his snout was.

How can we good citizens correct and respond to this on-going rudeness? Obviously, such dog attacks can be avoided by their owners simply using common sense and a little courtesy; by leashing their animals in public places. Beyond such commonsense remedies, I leave it up to powers that be. Being a pet owner for over 30 years, I do not advocate extreme corrective measures, so hopefully, those irresponsible people will do the right thing. Malibu is a very close knit, caring, family-oriented community, and we are all so fortunate to live and work here. Can’t us dogs and their respective owners just all get along?

David Pepper