Letter: A Lifelong Friend

Letter to the Editor

Here I am, sitting in a fishing camp in Ketchikan, Ala. when my cell phone rings. On the other end was Ann, Louis Busch’s secretary and caregiver.

She asked, “Have you heard the latest bad news?” I had a gut feeling that Louis was gone, and she confirmed that it was true. Hearing that this wonderful, caring, close friend was gone, I was heartbroken.

As many of you may have read in my book, “1950s Malibu, Growing Up in Paradise,” Louis was one of the main characters. Without his guidance and photos, most of the “1950s Malibu” book would not have been possible.

I would guess it was about a month ago that Betty Cavalleri passed. Some of you may have read my letter to the editor of The Malibu Times, “Remembering Betty.” As with Betty, I have known Louis since the 1950s. I was then just a kid, son of California Highway Patrol residence officer Jimmy Haynes. However, I always looked to both Louis and Betty for their outgoing and friendly manners toward us kids. As I indicated in my letter, when Betty passed, “Malibu’s First Lady was gone.” And now Louis?

Louis T. Busch was and is the face of Malibu from the late 1940s to present day. Toward the last few months of his life, I would stop by his office for a visit. He, like myself, had vivid memories of what Malibu was like back in the old days and we would reminisce. Now that he’s gone, I’m kicking myself for not having stopped by more often to share facts about old Malibu that only a few of us left can testify to.

As many of you, I will miss one of the most caring, outgoing persons on the earth.

We love you, Louis T. Busch.

Pete Haynes