Broad Beach project comment deadline extended

Broad Beach has been receding for decades, a problem which accelerated sharply in the last few years. 

The deadline to comment on the Broad Beach Restoration Project, which considers using sand from Manhattan Beach to restore the heavily eroded Malibu beach, has been extended until Dec. 21. 

The project proposal is from a group of Broad Beach homeowners and is currently being evaluated by the State Lands Commission. The commission had planned to consider the project at its Dec. 5 meeting, but staff now expect it won’t be reviewed until early next year. 

Anyone wishing to comment on the project has until 5 p.m. on Dec. 21 to do so. Comments can be sent by email to Jason.Ramos@ (with “Broad Beach Restoration Project Comments” in the subject line), or mailed to: Jason Ramos, environmental scientist, California State Lands Commission, 100 Howe Avenue, Suite 100-South, Sacramento, CA 95825.