Call the state’s bluff


    Heroes Park! Hallowed ground! How right the name. Given this last Fourth of July to Bluffs Park. Not for generals, presidents, governors or senators but for the everyday heroes, the police, the firemen, the sergeants and the foot soldiers who preserve the freedom of our land and the everyday citizen hero who refused to let freedom’s light be extinguished.

    Thank you Mayor Jennings, for pronouncing on July 4, 2002, that Bluffs Park is sacred ground for the City of Malibu and is from henceforth to be known to us as Heroes Park, in honor of our citizen heroes.

    And shame on the state of California, the governor of California, the legislative leaders of California and the Department of Parks and the California Coastal Commission which demand that this 6-acre parcel of hallowed ground be taken away and turned into fire tinder sage. Heroes Park is just a 6-acre bite of a 90-acre parcel that the state owns in this location.

    We citizens have fought hard to preserve freedom in this world, in this country and now our own city is under attack by the state through the California Coastal Commissions. Of course, they want to destroy Heroes Park. City Council and citizens of Malibu don’t let them succeed.

    Georgianna McBurney