Los Angeles to Host 2028 Summer Olympics


On Monday, the decision was announced that Los Angeles, which hosted the 1932 and 1984 Summer Olympics, will again hold the event in 2028.

Although Los Angeles’ original bid was for the 2024 games, that honor was given to Paris and Los Angeles was tapped host the next round. There were many factors that determined which city would host the 2024 Olympics, including the fact that Paris last held the Olympics in 1924 and had only secured funding to build facilities for 2024.

In recent years, hosting an international sporting event has become considered a burden for many cities.

“LA and Paris were the last two bids remaining after a tumultuous process that exposed the unwillingness of cities to bear the financial burden of hosting an event that has become synonymous with cost overruns,” according to reports from The Associated Press.

Many cities–including another American entry, Boston–withdrew due to the financial burdens hosting the games would bring.

The 2028 Summer Olympics could mean a lot for Los Angeles and Malibu. In the 1984 games, water polo was held at Malibu’s own Pepperdine University. If history is a guide, this huge event could also mean terrible traffic and crowds of people Los Angeles is not ready to accommodate.