Letter: Changes for America

Letter to the Editor

Somehow, with much stealth, it seems like Americans went from being “governed” to now being “ruled.” Oftentimes the disapproval rate of Congress is in the 70% range, which normally would mean at the next election, new people and ideas would get elected to office. However, the disapproval rate remains the same. 

Our elected officials “act” like two political parties, however, we are perhaps in truth being ruled by a one-party philosophy. The winner gets the committee chairmanships and thus become in control of spending our money. 

To save our incredible country, here is what I think must be done and done quickly. 

Cut government agency spending by 70% across the board. This will defund agencies that now increasingly hand down regulations and rules, without any voter participation. Lower the corporate and personal tax to a flat 10%. Abolish the death tax. Drill for oil everywhere possible. Start up the more than 20 coal factories that have been shut down. 

Obama has increased help to the poor as perhaps no other president since Roosevelt. However, many correctly argue that the President had to do so because about 500,000 U.S. jobs are being sent to China every year. In a free enterprise system, you must only deal with other free countries, or all jobs will be drained to dictatorships with slave labor, something a free nation can never compete with. 

It is so incredibly sad to hear brilliant people say, “I could not do what I did in my business life if I had to do it all over again today.” Here, it is vitally important that we almost eliminate all government for either you or I to make money and keep it as we do now. Give it all to some elite politician thousands of miles away to run our lives much “better” than we are able to. (This is not libertarianism, but a call for “both” parties to care about America’s financial well-being.) 

Lastly, our politicians must all be people who obey our incredible U.S. Constitution, as outlined in our founding documents. 

Morten “Marty” Wengler