Obituary: Marjory Kron Lewi-Rucker

Marjory Kron Lewi-Rucker

Marjory Kron Lewi-Rucker died of pancreatic cancer on Dec. 16, 2016, at the age of 83. Born to artist parents in Boston and raised in Pelham, a suburb of New York City, Marge was always encouraged to follow her creative tendencies in drawing, painting and sewing. She also participated in dance classes and performances in high school, Barnard College, UCLA and for 12 years in the Malibu Dance Group.

At 19, she and her husband moved to Los Angeles and eventually to Malibu. Continuing her education at UCLA, she graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a Bachelor of Arts in Education, while having four children — Jennifer, Katy, Christopher and Marggy.

Always interested in art and psychology, Marge studied art therapy at Immaculate Heart College. When the school moved to Loyola Marymount University in Inglewood, she achieved her master’s degree and became a registered art therapist and licensed marriage and family therapist. 

A celebration was held at Marge and husband Doug Rucker’s home on Sunday, Jan. 12.