Letter: Political Opinions

Letter to the Editor

Arnold York, you write that FBI Director Comey’s official conclusion that his criminal investigation of Clinton and her staff using multiple everyday personal cell phones and a private, non-government server, stored in her own residence, to receive and disseminate “Top Secret” and “Secret” information while she was secretary of state ended in a “whimper.” Comey’s written and verbal findings and conclusions that Clinton’s sending and receiving thousands of classified unsecured emails resulted in Clinton and staff being “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information” is a “whimper?” One that will plague her forever!

And then you are touting the attorney general as being a good lawyer because she graduated from Harvard undergrad and law! I am a Vanderbilt University and 25th -ranked Iowa Law graduate, with cases over the years with and against grads from Harvard and other Ivies. With some exceptions, most are among the least creative litigation lawyers I have encountered, but none are as unethical as Loretta Lynch.

Many decades ago, I had the pleasure of being a paid employee with the JFK campaign office in Phoenix. Both he and Bobby were remarkable in dealing with the Soviet ambassador and Khruschev; national security and secrecy were at the heart of JFK resolving the Cuban Missile Crisis. At risk of nuclear war and/or domination by the Soviet Union from Cuba, their sole goal was our national security! Your beloved liar Hillary Clinton is no Jack Kennedy.

Conrad Kohrs