Letter: Being Reasonable

Letter to the Editor

It seems that the older I get, the more I hear people screaming at each other. Most of the pundits in the media are reasonable.

Last night I happened to see Tucker Carlson on FOX interview NY Mayor DeBlasio. This is a good idea. I honestly never watch these shows, as to me they all only advocates for their own narrow positions with the token adversary.

Anderson Cooper and Sean Hannity should be guests on each other’s programs. I always liked Senator Bob Dole—he was someone who showed respect for his adversaries. Joe Biden is widely known to be a loyal man.

Too many people enjoyed Mrs. Clinton’s failing health and too many today “hate” Trump—grow up, accept things as adults, work to better them—everyone.

Without wishing to embarrass your editor—Arnold York every week writes a calm, cool and collected editorial in The Malibu Times. Consider please that during the last “crash,” world debt was $106 trillion. Today it is about $300 trillion. Any Federal Reserve rate cut would only be an 18-month “sugar high” for our economy—every single person in government has to come together and find solutions to our immense spending and to our rising debt. Even today, many say it is insurmountable. If our media “big shots” would humble themselves and quietly discuss all that ails us, perhaps a long-term solution could be reached (public union debt).

Finally this—many say “Walmart” destroyed rural America. They moved in, undersold everyone at a loss and today they get most products from China.

What about the common man who cannot bribe a politician?

Morten Wengler