Letter: Necessary PCH Safety

Letter to the Editor

My name is Mike Cunningham. I was the biker that was injured when the speeding, out-of-control driver crossed lanes and collided head on with a pick-up truck, killing the driver, severely injuring the passenger and killing himself. I was extremely lucky that day—I was hit by debris and knocked off my bike and somehow avoided both cars by a matter of feet. I am still recovering from my injuries at this time. I am writing in to tell you how I feel about this. 

First off, I want to thank Malibu Makos and all the surf instructors for rushing to the horrific scene, especially Daniel, who took care of me until the ambulance arrived. I also want to thank the firemen who seem to see this carnage way too often, as only about six months earlier, my wife Kim was hit on Pacific Coast Highway by a driver trying to make an illegal u-turn by Malibu Seafood. He caused her to flip in her [Ford] Expedition twice and end up on the sand. Her SUV looked like King Kong stepped on it. She was extremely lucky to be alive. It pisses me off and frightens me at the same time that my two daughters have witnessed both of their parents be carted off in ambulances on two separate occasions in less than six months. 

All this being said, I was disappointed in the follow up by whoever investigated my accident. I got a call a week later with minimal questions. I asked if the driver was intoxicated, how fast he was going, how the passenger in the truck that survived was doing. I was told I would get a follow-up call. Nothing. Was the driver who caused this drunk? I have been told by many he was a drug addict and alcoholic living in his van, a local who grew up here. I assume this is true, but I have not been notified by any officials from the city or the police department. It seems that so many people witnessed this guy in the Pavilions parking lot, local gas stations and at public access areas like Broad Beach. I have to believe law enforcement knew who he was. Why was he allowed to loiter and drink alcohol–all, as I am told, with no one turning him in and checking the registration on his van for trespassing? I know it’s obvious we need more police on the roads and more cement medians from Topanga to County line. Speed limits need to be addressed and lowered. Many left turns on PCH should be illegal. I could go on and on. We seem to be able to buy land and certain mayors/firemen are making a half million dollars in overtime, but we can’t get a handle on PCH? I’ve lived here for 20 years and seen countless tragedies on this road; zero has changed. And to those of you who wrote in that bikers should not be on PCH, just know I ride in Zuma parking lot, not on PCH. That day I rode from very north end of Zuma parking lot to the Trancas light, a few hundred yards in an actual wide bike lane. I didn’t make it 50 yards. 

I only hope whoever wins City Council can make some real changes. I can’t say I’m optimistic about that and I base this on past mayor/city council actions, but I still hope we can convince them to do their jobs. All of our lives depend on it.

Mike Cunningham