Letter: Fill in the thanks


I read last week’s SOS article with interest [“SOS A rock to those in need,” Feb. 7, 2013], and the writer, Ms. Magruder, erred with a huge omission. While she writes of SOS, Webster Elementary School, Pepperdine University students, and “the neighborhood,” she makes zero mention of where the meals actually come from. For years all of the local Christian churches have faithfully cooked and served the meals for SOS and the homeless. The local Christian churches are also the driving force for gathering donations for extra groceries, blankets, and clothing for the homeless that SOS distributes. 

While my family hasn’t lent a hand for as long or as much as many of my fellow volunteers, my daughter and I have been cooking and baking for SOS and the homeless for several years. I am proud to stand among these generous Malibuites from our local Christian churches who selflessly give their time and money. 

SOS offers a wonderful service in our community for those in need, and it is supported by the efforts of all of our Malibu Christian churches. We are blessed to live in a community with such caring folks. 

Sonia Ottusch