City voices concerns


The following is part of a letter the City of Malibu sent May 8 to California State Parks expressing concerns over the Malibu Lagoon Restoration Project.

Thank you for your letter of March 30, wherein you provided a response to the City of Malibu’s concerns about the Lagoon Project. The City has reviewed State Parks’ response to the city’s letters and acknowledges that some of its concerns have been addressed. However, overall, these modifications do not satisfy the majority of our concerns and the need to protect public health.

The city’s concerns are threefold: 1) the discharge of any dewatering onto the sand will likely cause a significant increase in bacteria to recreation water during the height of the summer season; 2) the proposed disinfection and dechlorination process appears to be inadequately designed and needs to be pre-tested onsite at the proposed dewatering rate prior to discharge; and 3) the city would like to be involved in developing a vigorous monitoring plan in order to ensure that samples are collected and analyzed more regularly during construction, as well as pre/post construction.

To view the full letter, go to the city’s website at Under “Top Stories,” click on the hyperlink titled “City Replies to State Parks Letter of March 30 Regarding Lagoon Concerns.”