City Eyes Chili Cookoff, Tree Lot Purchase From Malibu Bay Co. – KBUU News

        • The city is in negotiations to buy vacant land from the Malibu Bay Company.
        • Big pieces of flat land at the Malibu Civic Center … and on Point Dume.
        • Another night of gusty winds forecast.
        • Firefighters at the Thomas Fire have a challenge today … big winds.
        • And a prison hidden in the hills above Malibu … transformed into a beacon of hope.

      This is the Wednesday news … from Radio Malibu …. 99-point-1 … KBUU News.

      Good morning …. I’m Hans Laetz reporting.

      City May Buy Malibu Bay Co. Land At Civ Ctr, Dume

      The City of Malibu may be in negotiations to buy four pieces of land from the Malibu Bay Company.

      We say may ,… the city does not discuss its real estate plans … although the matter must be disclosed if it is to be discussed at a closed door session.

      And look what just crept onto the agenda ….

      The city is looking at a 10-acre piece of vacant land used by the Malibu chili cookout.

      Currently … the Malibu Bay Company has plans to build an office building there.

      And… the city is apparently in negotiations to buy the large piece of land at Heathercliff at PCH .. where the high school Christmas Tree lot is located.

      For months … the city was in negotiations to buy a smaller vacant lot next to City Hall.

      Also … to possibly buy the Malibu Playhouse property on PCH at Point Dume.

      Nothing ever came from those talks.

      The Malibu Bay Company is the real estate empire in Malibu … owned by the estate of the late media tycoon Jerrold Perenchio.

      It is selling the portfolio of 70 acres of land spread across eight commercial and residentially zoned parcels in Malibu.

      Brokers expect the package of lots to fetch $150 million in total.

      The land is being sold in a package … it’s not known of the city can obtain parts of it.

      Malibu officials do not discuss reseal estate negotiations … so we will get no comment from them.

      Unusual Wed City Council Meeting: Pot And Power

      In an unusual Wednesday night session … tonight … the Malibu City Council will consider allowing its residents and businesses to buy electricity through a government cooperative …. instead of from the private Southern California Edison company.

      Experts hired by the city say people could save money … and buy power from green sources … through what they call a C-C-A.

      This arrangement would bypass expensive … long term power contracts signed by Southern California Edison … and give customers the choice of using cheaper and greener electricity sources.

      Also on the agenda … plans to update the city’s marijuana ordinance.

      Malibu has two authorized marijuana sellers … and under arms of the proposed ordinance … only those two companies would be allowed to deliver marijuana.

      And residents would be allowed to grow pot outdoors … under tightly controlled rules …under the proposed ordinance.

      Fire Weather Watch Tonight – 40 MPH Gusts

      A fire weather watch … for wind gusts up to 40 miles an hour … goes up tonight in Malibu.

      Another weather front will blow through overnight … with cold air pushing through the mountains.

      In Santa Barbara and Ventura … starting just 30 miles up the coast from Malibu … powerful winds are expected to return to blast the Thomas fire area today.

      At Santa Barbara and Montecito … winds will blast out of the north above 40 miles an hour … with isolated gusts of up to 60 miles.

      Winds will whip through the Santa Barbara County side of the fire first … then arrive in Ventura County on Thursday morning.

      As of last night … the Thomas Fire had burned 272,000 acres … making it the second-largest wildfire in modern California history.

      It’s 55 percent contained … with full containment expected in about two and a half weeks.

      Two people have been killed in the blaze …

      Fire Evacuees’ Things Stolen In Oxnard

      And now … four people have been arrested in Oxnard for burglarizing cars full of evacuated persons’ belongings.

      Evacuees from the Thomas Fire had parked two vehicles on a residential street in Oxnard. The Ventura County Star reports that the vehicles were filled with personal possessions from the family’s evacuated home.

      Both vehicles were broken into overnight and more than $75,000 worth of property was taken, according to the Ventura County Star.

      The crooks used a stolen credit card.

      Three people were arrested at a motel … a fourth arrested a day later in possession of stolen property.


      You are listening to the latest news … from Radio Malibu … 99-point-1 … KBUU.

      It’s [[[ TIME ]]] .

      ‘2nd Generation’ Rat Poison Found In Dead Puma

      The National Park Service says it can’t say what killed the mountain lion … who was found dead in the Verdugo Mountains near Glendale.

      Mountain lion P-41 had been exposed to multiple compounds of anticoagulant rodenticide … a form of rat poison.

      Notably … the lab found both first and second-generation anticoagulants the cat.

      That shows that even the supposedly-safer second generation rat poisons are working their way up the food chain.

      Exposure to anticoagulant rodenticides is common among the mountain lions al across California.

      Malibu has banned rat poison … but most cities continue to allow sale of it.

      $3.5m Pt Dume School Project Goes Out To Bid

      Bid requests have gone out to rebuild Point Dume Marine Sciences Elementary School.

      The Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District plans to strip the paint, floors and doors at the school.

      Every surface will be replaced … new fire alarms installed.

      A new air conditioner and heater system will be installed.

      If there will be a P C B removal component … it’s not in the bids.

      Many schools that were built in the 1950s and ‘60s were built with materials that include PCBs.

      The reconstruction of the front half of Malibu High School is delayed … as school district officials grapple with a cement slab that had PCB-laden glue stuck to it in the floor tile.

      The Point Dume project will cost upwards of 3 point 5 million dollars.

      Malibu Prison Camp Revamped Into A Model Campus

      Finally this morning … a story of remarkable transformation is unfolding in the mountains north of Malibu.

      A former prison for teenagers accused of serious crimes has been transformed.

      Camp Kilpatrick … is no more.

      It’s now Campus Kilpatrick … Campus Kilpatrick is the flagship location of the “L.A. Model” for juvenile rehabilitative service facilities.

      Youth are housed in cottages … not military style barracks … and learn to work cooperatively.  There is a much lower staff-to-youth ratio … and programming that emphasizes education, counseling and vocational training guided by a trauma-informed child centered approach.

      The first class of youth had a “culmination ceremony” two days ago.

      The county has posted a video of this remarkable event … and in it … a youth named Anthony spoke.

      He said he was treated with dignity, respect and care by the staff at Campus Kilpatrick.

      While at Campus Kilpatrick, Anthony has earned 3 credits toward college and has ambitions to attend college and eventually get a master’s degree.

      A link to the 8-minute mini-documentary about Campus Kilpatrick is posted at the KBUU website. .


      The time is [[[ TIME ]]] .

      We’ll have the traffic in 65 seconds.

      Weather for the Malibu.

      Cloudy and cold today … a high of ((( 60 ))) on the beach … (((. 60 ))) in the Santa Monica Mountains.

      Downcoast winds could gust as high as 20 mph from the west today.

      Sunset tonight is at ((( 4:43. ))).

      After that ….

      Winds will switch to coming over the mountains.

      Cold Santa Anas of 20 miles an hour … gusting to 30 tonight.

      And we said it will be cold.

      Down to around (((  42  ))) at the beach … ((( 41 ))) in the canyons.

      Tomorrow should see wind gusts up to 40 miles an hour.

      Then … less wind over the weekend .

      Sunny … warm weather is predicted all weekend … and past Christmas Day.

      Forecast for Sunday Christmas Eve is sunny and 74 …

      Christmas Day … sunny and 72.

      At 8 AM … at Trancas it’s ((( a chilly 48 degrees ))).

      Upper Malibu Canyon … (((  46.  ))).

      And at Civic Center Los Angeles (((  50. ))).

      In the ocean … ((( 57 )))) in the water at Trancas Tower 14.

      Waves today are (((   2 to 3  ))) feet high.

      There is a potential swell coming down the coast from the west .

      But overall … poor to fair surfing conditions … … say the lifeguards. ))).

      (((( Tide is coming in to a 5 point 7 foot high tide … at 9:27 this morning.

      The low tide is at 4:48.

      Another high tide is at 11:27 tonight.  )))))


      The KBUU Newswire is posted midmornings … and the radio station is streaming … at and .

      Also .. at the Malibu Times website.

      Breaking news always goes first on the radio … at F-M 99-point-1.

      Our signal now comes in reliably … from County Line all the way to Big Rock … with a couple of holes at Ralphs and Dan Blocker Beach.