Letter: Sheriff Woes

Letter to the Editor

Having been a resident of Malibu for 21 years, I have concerns regarding traffic in Malibu and our hired Lost Hills Sheriff’s Dept. The sheriff deputies are very busy combing through parking lots, such as Ralphs, Trancas Country Market, Point Dume Shopping Plaza … writing up expired registration tickets, faulty car issues and parking tickets. 

They hide in driveways, behind trees and wait at the bottom of hills to issue speeding tickets (their favorite place: in front of Ralphs early Sunday mornings). We are protected by the Friday night DUI checkpoints resulting in one or two DUI arrests, several expired licenses, and a taillight or two out. Many people will not visit Malibu on Friday nights because of the wait and inconvenience through these unconstitutional DUI checkpoints, resulting in a lot of lost revenue from our local merchants. 

The sheriffs are condescending and arrogant. They seem to view the citizens of Malibu as low-life criminals. And, to think we pay them hundreds of thousands of dollars to basically harass us. Meanwhile, the City of Los Angeles has great police that are friendly. Unlike the Lost Hills sheriffs, the Los Angeles police are nice, say a friendly hello and always try to be helpful. 

It’s time to say goodbye and good riddance to the Lost Hills Sheriff’s Dept.

Gary Carr