We don’t know how the city has managed the Equestrian Center in the past, but it is our understanding some things were going to change soon, allowing the sheepherding classes to take place on days Trancas Riders and Ropers weren’t using the main arena. We don’t know if, with this change, came a sense of loss, causing some of TR&R’s unusual behavior.
One of these embarrassing displays took place on Jan. 12 when two TR&R board members climbed into the arena while a sheepherding class was taking place. It was an odd sight: two large men, six sheep, two dogs, student, instructor, followed by Drummond Ranch staff (instructors) and students joining in to make sure peace was kept. The sheriff was called and once the deputy read the letter from the city that Drummond provided, we were told we could continue the class. Then, within moments, the two TR&R board members, towering over the deputy, seemed to have changed the deputy’s mind. The deputy shut down the class.
We have been told this matter is going to the city attorney, and the Park’s commission, which means we probably will not be sheepherding in Malibu for quite awhile. We were surprised to hear TR&R will not be having any activities in the main arena either, until the situation is sorted out. As it turns out, we were told by the city, TR&R doesn’t have a contract or permit for use of the Equestrian Center’s main arena.
We hope the City Council, Parks commissioners, interim city manager and staff will quickly step in to resolve this matter so we can continue classes. Can you imagine how long this would take to solve if this were happening to the Little League? Let’s get this done.
Ellen Sturtz