Calendar events are scheduled in advance and may be subject to change. Verify dates and times by calling the informational number provided. Submission deadline is Friday at 1 p.m. Please fax submissions to The Malibu Times, c/o Calendar Editor, at 310.456.8986,"or"e-mail"to



BOOK DISCUSSION The Malibu Book Discussion Group discusses Pat Barker’s “Another World” at the Point Dume Mobile Home Park’s clubhouse, 29500 Heathercliff Rd., 1 p.m. 457.7839


MALIBU DEMOCRATIC CLUB Meeting on environmental issues and business, and a screening of a film on 2000 presidential election at 22000 PCH, 7:30 p.m. 454.1487

SENIOR SOCIAL Social hour at Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 10 a.m. 456.2489 ext. 357

FUNDRAISER Gala preview to benefit Women’s Guild of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center at the Santa Monica Airport, 3021 Airport Ave., 6 p.m. $250. 423.3667

SURFRIDER FOUNDATION Monthly meeting of Malibu chapter with speaker on living environmentally conscious and screening of surfing film at the Santa Monica Youth Hostel, 1436 2nd St. in Santa Monica, 7 p.m. 451.1010


ANTIQUE SHOW The three-day Los Angeles Antique Show at the Santa Monica Airport in the Barker Hanger, 3021 Airport Ave., 11 a.m. $15. 455.2886.

NETWORKING BREAKFAST The Malibu Chamber of Commerce hosts its Networking Breakfast with speaker, Mayor Sharon Barovsky at the Malibu Inn, 22969 PCH, 8 a.m. $10-15. 456.9025

TEEN CONCERT The Agoura Hills/Calabasas Community Center hosts a teen concert at the community center, 27040 Malibu Hills Rd. in Calabasas, 7 p.m. $7. 818.880.2993

SENIOR SOCIAL Social hour at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd.,10:30 a.m. 456.2489 ext. 357

SENIOR MOVIE Screening of “Matchstick Men” at Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 2 p.m. 456.2489 ext. 357


MALIBU SHIRTS Grand Opening of Malibu Shirts with Malibu surf legends appearing and live music at 22775 PCH, 12 p.m. 456.7088

ARTS FESTIVAL Two-day festival with live music and arts and crafts from more than 200 people at Park Centre Dr. in Calabasas, 10 a.m. 818.878.4225 ext. 270

NATURE WALK Topanga Canyon docents lead a walk at the Peter Strauss Ranch, 30000 Mulholland Hwy. in Agoura Hills, 10 a.m. 805.370.2301


FIESTA CABRILLO Juan Cabrillo Elementary School celebrates its annual fiesta with entertainment, games, celebrity auction and food at the school, 30237 Morning View Dr. 11 a.m. 457.0360

MUSIC PERFORMANCE The Palisades Symphony and Brentwood-Palisades Chorale join for a performance at the Community United Methodist Church, 801 Via de la Paz in Pacific Palisades, 7:30 p.m. 454.8040

BEACH LUAU Fundraiser for Malibu Calvary Church includes a real-life taste of young life with personal stories, video presentation hula, food and activities. 4 p.m. 924.1240


BOOK DISCUSSION The Malibu Book Discussion Group discusses Richard Dana’s “Two Years before the Mast” at the Point Dume Mobile Home Park’s clubhouse, 29500 Heathercliff Rd., 1 p.m. 457.7839


SENIOR SOCIAL Social hour at Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 11 a.m. 456.2489 ext. 357


TEEN CONCERT The Agoura Hills/Calabasas Community Center hosts a teen concert at the community center, 27040 Malibu Hills Rd. in Calabasas, 7 p.m. $7. 818.880.2993

BOYS & GIRLS CLUB The club hosts a barbecue for families at the Malibu Teen Center, 30215 Morning View Dr., 6 p.m. 589.8363

ART EXHIBIT Reception for Bob Privitt for his exhibition of sculpture and drawings at Pepperdine’s Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, 24255 PCH, 8:30 p.m. 506.4851

TEA TIME Mother’s Day Tea event at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 2 p.m. 456.2489 ext. 357


COOK’S TOUR Self-guided tours of four spectacular Malibu homes with gourmet food by local chefs to raise money for Malibu Methodist Nursery School. Meet at school, 30128 Morning View Dr., 11 a.m. $55. 457.5144.

PAINT OUT Paint canyon views with paths, trees and wildflowers at Zuma Canyon, 5600 Bonsall Dr., 10 a.m. 338.0333

CARNIVAL The Webster Island 2004 Carnival and Boutique has games, prizes, food and fun for the whole family at Webster Elementary School, 3602 Winter Canyon Rd., 10 a.m. 456.6494


NATURE WALK Topanga Canyon docents lead a walk at Rocky Oaks Park, on Mulholland Hwy. just west of Kanan Rd., 10 a.m. 805.370.2301

MON., MAY 10

SENIOR SOCIAL Social hour at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 11 a.m. 456.2489 ext. 357


SMART MOVES The Malibu Boys & Girls Club hosts a celebration to honor graduates and volunteers of the SMART Moves program at the Malibu Teen Center, 30215 Morning View Dr., 5:30 p.m. RSVP by May 4. 457.CLUB

WED., MAY 12

BOOK DISCUSSION The Malibu Book Discussion Group discusses Laurie Moore’s “Birds of America” at the Point Dume Mobile Home Park’s clubhouse, 29500 Heathercliff Rd., 1 p.m. 457.7839


MUSEUM EXHIBIT Works of Bob Privitt on display from May 5-12 at Pepperdine’s Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, 24255 PCH, 506.4851

ART EXHIBIT “Live, Nude, Girls” features work from Malibu artist Elise Vazelakis at the Hamilton Gallery, 1431 Ocean Ave. in Santa Monica, April 24 – May 2. 451.9983

WILDFLOWER WALK Volunteers lead wildflower walks every Saturday except April 10 through May 15 at Charmlee Park, 2577 Encinal Canyon Rd., 10 a.m. 457.7247

ART EXHIBIT Works of Pepperdine seniors at Pepperdine’s Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art through May 1, 24255 PCH, 506.4851

OPEN GYM Every Tuesday and Wednesday at Malibu High School, 30215 Morning View Dr., 5:30 p.m. 317.1364

STORYTIME Storytime at the Malibu Library, 23519 W. Civic Center Way, Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. for toddlers and 11:15 a.m. for preschoolers. 456.6438

WALKING CLUB The Malibu Senior Center sponsors an afternoon walking club every Tuesday, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 4 p.m. 456.2489 ext. 357

ST. AIDAN’S SERVICES St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 28211 PCH, services on Sundays at 7:30, 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Childcare available 8:15-11:45 a.m. 457.7966

CHABAD SERVICES Services at Chabad of Malibu, 22933 PCH, every Friday at dusk and every Saturday at 10 a.m. 456.6588

KIWANIS CLUB Meets every Thursday except the second one of each month at Guido’s Malibu, 3874 Cross Creek Rd., 7 p.m. 589.9266

CHRISTIAN 12-STEP MEETINGS Various addiction/codependency issues, Thursdays, 7 p.m., Vineyard Christian Fellowship, 23825 Stuart Ranch Rd. 317.4293, ext. 104

LIBRARY LIMO Weekly bookmobile at Point Dume Shopping Center on Heathercliff Road, Tues., 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. 456.8572

PT. DUME SHUTTLE SERVICE Drives from Westward Beach to the Point Dume Natural Preserve on weekends and holidays; leaves every half-hour from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 805.488.1827

HELP FOR HOMELESS Dinner and Bible study, Thursdays at 7 p.m., Webster Elementary School. Call Holly at 818.880.6372 or

MOMMY AND ME CLASSES At Malibu Gymnastics, 589.5538, at Gan Malibu Preschool, 454.0499

A.A. MEETINGS At St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 28211 PCH, Fridays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 6:30 p.m. 457.7966

MALIBU ORCHID SOCIETY Meets the third Tuesday of every month at the Pacific Palisades Women’s Club, 901 Haverford Ave. in Pacific Palisades, 7 p.m. 395.1753

BIBLE STUDY Non-denominational women’s Bible study in Malibu on Tuesdays at 9:15 a.m. 455.2675

ROTARY CLUB Meets every Wednesday at Pepperdine’s Fireside Room, 24255 PCH, 7:30 a.m. 456.6958