Malibu City Council Signs Petition for Separate School Districts

Advocates for Malibu Public Schools

The official paper petition calling for separation of the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) to be placed on a municipal ballot was officially kicked off during the Monday, Aug. 24 City Council meeting, when AMPS president Karen Farrer presented it to council during the public comment period. 

AMPS, Advocates for Malibu Public Schools, is a nonprofit grassroots organization that was formed to support Malibu breaking out of the SMMUSD and forming its own independent district. 

Farrer attended the meeting to read aloud from the petition and give a short statement about the group’s goals.

“Starting this evening, we will be collecting signatures,” Farrer told council members.

“Can you bring that petition up? I’d like to sign it,” Councilmember Lou La Monte said following Farrer’s statements.

Each council member signed the petition, many with AMPS pens provided by Farrer. 

City Attorney Christi Hogin made sure council members specified that they were signing as citizens, and not in their official capacity as elected officials.

AMPS is hosting a town hall meeting at City Hall on Wednesday, Aug. 26 at 6 p.m.