Incentives Offered for Going Green

West Basin Municipal Water District

Malibu residents may be eligible for one of two rebates on utility bills if they decide to go green.

Through Malibu Smart, a program sponsored by the City of Malibu, West Basin Municipal Water District and LA County Waterworks District 29, Malibu residents can take advantage of enhanced rebates for water-saving devices. The rebate for switching out old standard sprinkler timers for smart timers, also known as weather-based irrigation controllers, was recently doubled from $80 to $160. These smart timers easily adjust the watering schedule based on the weather, saving water and money. For more information on the rebates available, visit

Through Clean Power Alliance’s (CPA) Power Response program, Malibu residents with smart thermostats or battery energy storage systems can receive financial incentives for modifying their energy equipment use during times of peak energy demand between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. on weekdays. For a limited time, participants will earn $100 for enrolling and get an additional $100 yearly participation reward. To learn more or enroll, visit