Just the facts


    The May 13 edition of your paper ran a front page story titled “Planning Commissioner and Neighbor Face Off Over Fence. You also ran a “Correction” on May 26, 1999, page 3. Both articles are factually incorrect.

    My new neighbor, a real estate agent from Santa Monica, encroached with a fence about two feet into the front of my property. I notified him of the encroachment in writing and asked that he either remove it or discuss it with me. We never discussed the matter. He cleared the ESHA in back and fenced it, which led to the issue with the city. I did not turn him into the city or the city biologist or enlist any assistance from them as you stated in both articles.

    This accusation is very damaging to me personally and professionally as my reputation as an active member of this community for the past 24 years is very important to me. I did ask you to verify the facts and print a retraction. Even though the City or County does not divulge the source of a complaint, they could tell you who didn’t file one. In fact, the unfounded and untrue allegations by Mr. Rocco which he brought to you in what appears to be retaliation for presumed complaints by me, should have been investigated by you very carefully. The City conducted a thorough investigation and found the allegations false. Los Angeles County Animal Control apologized and said they acted too hastily.

    I was not aware of who had filed these complaints until your article.

    As a postscript, a dead peacock was found at the back of my property two weeks ago.

    Charleen Kabrin