No Foul Play Found in July 16 Topanga Death


Twenty-six year-old Maggie Dykshorn was found dead in Topanga State Park on Monday, July 16, according to the Los Angeles County Police Department. Per Officer Carlos Zaragoza, the body was found around 5 p.m.

“There are no signs of foul play,” he said in a phone call with The Malibu Times.

A missing persons report was filed for Dykshorn that same morning, at approximately 9 a.m.

LAPD Commanding Officer Patricia A. Sandoval was not able to share any more details from the incident. 

In a now-deleted post, a family member shared that Dykshorn had last been seen on Sunday morning, July 15, around 10 a.m. She then posted on social media later that day, located near the Parker Mesa Overlook at the state park.

According to KTLA, authorities said the woman’s car was found at the trail parking lot.

The investigation into the death is ongoing.