Astrology forecast for Feb. 24-March 9



By Cortney Litwin/Staff Writer

An electrifying burst of creative (and chaotic) energy begins the week when the sun merges with Uranus on the 24th-25th. Venus transiting into Pisces on the 26th gives an idealistic glow to romance and encourages the search for a soul mate. Communications intensify when Mercury squares off with manipulative Pluto on March 1. Two days later, the collision between energetic Mars and expansive Jupiter can cause travel and mechanical snafus. Next, new projects get a boost of originality when Mercury transits into fiery Aries on the 4th. On the same day, a sizzling Uranus-Venus rendezvous heats up romantic encounters, possibly with unexpected results. And Mars opposing Saturn on the 7th helps structure plans-if you can be patient.

If you know your rising sign from your time of birth, read that also.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Be open to a sudden intuitive revelation around the 24th. Now is the time to resolve any issues from your past that have kept you from moving forward. Your patience may be tested at work or home around the 7th.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Friendships and community activities bring fulfillment over the next couple of weeks. An unusual event around the 4th that involves your social circle could prompt a romantic tête-à-tête as well as inspire your creativity.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Influences surrounding your career around the 24th could stimulate your originality or cause you to overreact to an unexpected situation. Creativity soars after the 26th. Watch for a tendency to go to extremes around March 1.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

You may be inspired to seek out a new direction after the 24th that involves learning something new. Look to your dreams for guidance. Romance beckons after the 26th and may involve a long-distance trip.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

The end of February is an excellent time to get rid of mental, emotional and material junk. Your intuition is especially keen after the 26th. Romance heats up then, too, and gets an extra dose of electricity on March 4.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Some revealing talk with your significant other could prove enlightening around the 26th. It’s also time to instill some extra creativity into your love life. A rendezvous on March 1 could be especially intriguing.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Getting healthy and improving your work routine is the focus now. Get creative in your career after the 26th. Your originality soars around the 4th, which may be inspired by a romantic interlude.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Creativity soars during the next two weeks, especially around the 24th. A struggle for control may ensue during a heated interchange around March 1. A spontaneous or unusual romantic rendezvous makes life interesting around the 4th.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You may be inspired to change/improve your home environment around the 24th. After the 26th is an excellent time for entertaining at home. Watch for a tendency to overspend around March 3.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You’re especially articulate after the 24th. Creative ideas come easily after the 26th, a great time to promote yourself. Express your feelings to energize your love life, especially around March 4.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Watch impulsive spending around the 24th, although buying a gift for a loved one after the 26th would be a welcome gesture. Moneymaking ideas abound for the next two weeks, so watch for opportunities. Romance soars around March 4.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Access your originality around the 24th, when you’re likely to be in the limelight. Love is especially sweet after Venus enters Pisces on the 26th, and romance positively sizzles around March 4.