Malibu Seen: Friends, Americans, Malibuites, Lend Me Your Ears

Tom Hanks will soon don a famous red cardigan in “You are My Friend.”

Just about everyone in Malibu knows that longtime resident and legendary actor Martin Sheen is a major history buff. After a stellar run playing POTUS in the long running show “The West Wing,” Marty is off on a different mission, bringing his unique voice and talent to an earlier era. He lends his powerful talents and powerful pipes to a new CNN series called “American Dynasties.” Episode one goes behind the scenes for an intimate portrayal of JFK. It’s just the beginning of multiple looks at the U.S. from different eras. His series is fascinating, offering a great story and priceless pics—old and new, good times and bad. In any case, if you are a fan of mighty Marty and the history that made headlines, check out “American Dynasties: The Kennedys” on CNN. 



What could better than local nice guy Tom Hanks playing another nice guy? 

But it’s true, Oscar winner Tom is set to play Mister Rogers. The film is called “You Are My Friend.” After decades on the air, Fred Rogers has quite a few friends and fans worldwide. With famous films like “Forrest Gump” and “Philadelphia,” the same can be said of Tom. Can’t you just see him in Fred’s fuzzy red sweater with all his little friends gathered around. Tom and Fred. That’s twice as nice!



Did you miss this 2017 listing?

When it came to real estate, media billionaire Jerry Perenchio had more than a posh Malibu pad with a pool and his very own putting green. The real jewel in the crown was his 10-acre Bel Air estate. At $350 million, the property is the most expensive crib in the country. There is plenty of curb appeal. It has the regal look of a castle in southern France.

Even before Jerry created his own media empire, the house was already a star. For years it ran in the opening credits of TV’s popular “The Beverly Hillbillies.”

So, if the spirit moves you, fire up the old jalopy and head on over. YEEHA!