More Rain Tonight – Polling Place Moved – Parks Hot Potato Is Tossed To City Council


Up to 3 inches of rain possible … as another storm arrives after midnight tonight.

A water main breaks in Malibu … in two places.

And the state may ban plastic water bottle caps.


Malibu’s only local daily news is live on the radio … live traffic reports too. 

Every morning …  from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.


The heaviest fog imaginable rolled in to Malibu last night.

Scheduled to burn off by 9 …

Another new storm on the way.

Rain will hit the Santa Barbara area around midnight, and move into the Los Angeles Basin at about daybreak .

Rain — heavy at times — will develop Friday morning. 

Rainfall rates  of between one-quarter and one-half inch of rain per hour are expected.  

Rainfall amounts look impressive … a half inch up to three inches are possible along southwest facing slopes. 

Tomorrow morning’s rush hour will be wet … but the storm should move out by Friday afternoon


Two water main breaks in Malibu … in an section of P C H where water mains were recently replaced.

We don;t know for sure if it was a new pipeline that gave out.

But county pipe construction was just over a few months ago in exactly that area. 

Water began bubbling out of the pavement in two places … on the highway west of Carbon Canyon. 

One lane westbound was closed to allow crews to replace the pipes in two places. 

There were the standard traffic delays. 


With all the rain and snow in California … where does Malibu stand in terms of water supplies?

Important storage reservoirs in Northern and Central California are now nearly full … after being extremely low just several months ago. 

Malibu’s water comes from two primary sources: the Sacramento River delta … and the Colorado River. 

The Sacramento River has been chock full … with storm bypass channels flowing for the first time in years. 

But the Colorado River is the source of an enormous amount of water for Sotuhern California. We have yet to hear about the how the empty reservoirs in Utah and Arizona are faring. 


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97.5 K B U.  ((( time  ))))


L A County has a special election coming up…  one item on the agenda… 

And the Malibu Park polling places has been moved. 

Measure H would add a one quarter percent sales tax levy to fund services for homeless people. 

There are an estimated 47 thousand homeless people in L-A county. 

Children … women … men.

The money would pay for emergency mental health treatment … job training … counseling. 

And emergency housing. 

The special Measure H election will be in a month … on Tuesday March Seventh. 

After decades of casting ballots at the Malibu High School library … hundred of Malibu residents of the precincts above Zuma Beach will now vote at the Point Dume Club. 

There is expected to be low turnout election in Malibu to begin with … as there will be no elected offices … and only one item … on this special election ballot .


There’s a special meeting of the Malibu City Council tonight at 6.

The city attorney will be holding her every two year class on how to comply with the Brown Act. 

Thats a powerful law … the state’s open meetings law.

It’s preamble states that … quote … the people do not yield their sovereignty to the bodies that serve them. 

The people insist on remaining informed to retain control over the legislative bodies they have created.


Members of the various city commissions are also covered by the Brown act.

The meeting tonight … open to the public under terms of the Brown Act … although the city’s agenda doesn’t quite say that.

It’s at 6 tonight at Malibu City Hall. 


Next Monday … the Trancas Field hot potato lands in the city council’s lap.

The city has two possible places to build new parks facilities.

The large nearly  flat piece of land across PCH from Pepperdine … west of Bluffs Park.

And the 35 acres of vacant land that the city just bought off Trancas Canyon Road … above Broad Beach.

Vague plans for both properties have been floated … and local opposition has grown to the possibility of soccer fields or a skateboard park at both locations.

The city Parks And Recreation Commission has just punted the whole matter back to the city council for guidance.

On Monday ,,. the city council is being asked to tell the city staff how to pick up the pieces on this important land use decision.

Many residents have been critical over the public hearing process … and of having been given vague proposals. 


One of the most-common trash items found on Malibu beaches during trash cleanups are plastic bottle caps.

Now … the California Legislature may ban them

A state assemblyman from Santa Cruz County has introduced a proposed law that would prohibit the sale of beverages in bottles with a cap that is not tethered to the container.

Assemblyman Mark Stone says the bottle caps threaten wildlife … as they get eaten. 

The Sacramento Bee newspaper says it costs local communities millions of dollars to address the plastic debris.

Assembly Bill 319 could face a significant challenge from the influential beverage industry.

The soda pop and bottled water companies have aggressively blocked a string of recent bills that threatened their bottom line … including efforts to tax soda and put warning labels on sugary drinks.

Older people may also remember those companies fighting to prevent laws against beer can pop tops … which used to routinely cut peoples feet at beaches until they were banned decades ago.


The Southern California Gas Co. will get off with a tiny fine … to settle a lawsuit filed by air quality regulators over the Aliso Canyon gas leak.

Eight point five million dollars …. to be exact. 

The company will also  fund a study of community health effects . from the gigantic leak of methane in the hills above the San Fernando Valley. 

Invisible  to the public for months … the methane dump was the biggest petroleum leak in LA County in decades. 

The settlement … 8-point-5 million dollars … resolves a dispute over the months-long leak of methane from the gas company’s Aliso Canyon storage facility above the Porter Ranch neighborhood of Los Angeles.

It was the worst methane spill in U-S history. 

The invisible gas spewed for nearly four months.

8,000 residents fled their homes, many complaining of headaches, nosebleeds and nausea.

The L-A Times reports that organizers int he Valley called the deal “an insult to the thousands of families” in the area and urged the air district to give millions of dollars of the emissions fees “back to the community for a real long-term health study.” 

But state regulators are now ready to reopen Aliso Canyon, announcing last month that about a third of the wells are safe to be put back into use, even though the cause of the leak has still not been determined.

Residents are livid. 

Hundreds of them crowded public meetings about the proposal last week demanding that the facility be permanently shut down.

Malibu’s state senator …  Henry Stern … has a district that stretches all the way up to Aliso Canyon. 

He has introduced a proposed law that would delay the reopening …until an investigation of the leak’s cause is completed. 

Stern’s bill gets its first hearing today in the state Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee.


Traffic …


Weather for the Malibu ….

It will be ((((   cloudy … 66  )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((   72   )))) inland. 

A 10 percent chance of rain develops after 4pm.

Winds will be calm.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((   5:32    )))).

After that … 80 percent chance of rain tonight … a low of  ((((  57   )))) on the beach … down to  ((((  53   )))) in the canyons.

Tomorrow 90 percent chance of rain … heavy at times.  )))).

Right now … it’s ((((    55   )))) at Trancas.

((((    61    )))) in upper Malibu Canyon.

And it’s ((((    58  ))) at Civic center Los Angeles. 

In the ocean … it’s ((((     54   )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  3-4   )))) feet high …. 

((((   New WNW swell mix moves in. Deep AM high tide. )))) 

Those are ((((  fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((    High tide is at 7:50 AM.

Low tide rolls out at 2:50 this afternoon.

Another high tide … at 9:13 tonight.   ))))


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