The Malibu Dog Park Association met on Tuesday, March 19, at Guido’s restaurant for the first organizational meeting, and 35 people attended. After a poll was taken, it was determined that each person represented between eight to 10 other dog owners. Although this represents a small group of approximately 300 individuals, it was felt that the group certainly could have a political impact especially in the Malibu area.
A committee was set up to explore the possibility of establishing a dog park in Malibu. A review of efforts to set up such a park in the past was presented. The fact that the city council has been unresponsive to these requests in the past was noted. Mr. Ron Stackler presented information regarding legal matters that would be necessary to accomplish this mission. He shall pursue various approaches to obtaining land for this venture as well. Petitions shall be circulated at multiple locations in Malibu very shortly. Anyone interested in participating can telephone 310.457. 3903 for details.
Ron Lawrence