Letter: Food-Free Food

Letter to the Editor

In response to “Blog: You have got to be kidding me” published on Aug. 31, 2017.

This week, your Malibu news competitor published a letter lauding the benefits, priorities and glamor of the Range Rover vehicle.

When I read this exposé, I suggested the author be rewarded with the Pulitzer Prize for Malibu shallow.

However, I then read your offering by Burt Ross about food-free food and the importance of shellfish flavoring when pleasing health addicts. This story—of Laureate caliber—is even more Pulitzer-deserving than its competitor. Ross had me laughing until my gluten ran free; he is funny and that article will give me a happy day. Thank you Malibu Times and Ross. Put him on the staff.

Gayle Weiner